
Jack Corrigan

Senior Research Analyst Print Bio

Jack Corrigan is a Senior Research Analyst at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET), where he focuses on the U.S. innovation ecosystem and national competitiveness. Previously, Jack provided research and writing assistance on a book about the growing power of the U.S. private sector. He also worked as a journalist covering federal technology and cybersecurity policy for Nextgov, an Atlantic Media publication. Jack holds a B.S. in Journalism and a B.A. in Economics from Northwestern University.

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In a GOVCIO CyberCast episode about US-China security threats and cybersecurity risks associated with information and communications technology, Jack Corrigan provided his expert insights. Read More

CSET's Jack Corrigan testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission where he discussed security threats posed by Chinese information and communications technology systems. Read More

Data Brief

Bayh-Dole Patent Trends

August 2023

This brief examines trends in patents generated through federally funded research, otherwise known as Bayh-Dole patents. We find that while Bayh-Dole patents make up a small proportion of U.S. patents overall, they are much more… Read More

In their op-ed featured in The Hill, CSET's Dewey Murdick and Jack Corrigan provide expert analysis on the rapid emergence of generative artificial intelligence tools like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Bard. The piece delves into… Read More

This data brief uses procurement records published by the U.S. Department of Defense and China’s People’s Liberation Army between April and November of 2020 to assess, and, where appropriate, compare what each military is buying… Read More


The Race for U.S. Technical Talent

August 2023

Technical talent is vital to innovation and economic growth, and attracting these highly mobile workers is critical to staying on the cutting-edge of the technological frontier. Conventional wisdom holds that the defense community generally struggles… Read More


The Policy Playbook

June 2023

This brief provides a framework for a systems-oriented approach to technology and national security strategy. It identifies and discusses the tensions among three strategic goals of technology and national security policy — driving technological innovation,… Read More

In an opinion piece for Foreign Policy, Research Analyst Jack Corrigan and Michael Kratsios drew from their CSET report to share how policymakers can build a more unified defense against foreign technology threats to secure… Read More


Banned in D.C.

October 2022

U.S. federal policymakers have recently gained the authority to block government agencies and private organizations from using foreign technologies that pose national security risks. But securing U.S. networks will require them to wield those powers… Read More


AI Faculty Shortages

July 2022

Universities are the engines that power the AI talent pipeline, but mounting evidence suggests that U.S. computer science departments do not have enough faculty to meet growing student interest. This paper explores the potential mismatch… Read More

This issue brief uses data from the National Science Foundation’s Survey of Doctorate Recipients to explore how many of the international students who earn STEM PhDs from U.S. universities stay in the country after graduation. Read More

CSET submitted this comment to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on updating the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan. Read More

Data Brief

Chinese and U.S. University Rankings

January 2022

The strength of a country’s talent pipeline depends in no small part on the quality of its universities. This data brief explores how Chinese and U.S. universities perform in two different global university rankings, why… Read More

Since the mid-2000s, China has consistently graduated more STEM PhDs than the United States, a key indicator of a country’s future competitiveness in STEM fields. This paper explores the data on STEM PhD graduation rates… Read More


Ending Innovation Tourism

July 2021

As dual-use technologies transform the national security landscape, the U.S. Department of Defense has established a variety of offices and programs dedicated to bringing private sector innovation into the military. However, these efforts have largely… Read More