Tag Archive: Workforce

Plus, facial recognition ban introduced, tech companies criticize immigration restrictions and the NDAA advances

Plus, bills introduced to increase AI talent in DOD and fund the semiconductor industry, and a discussion of bias in AI

Immigration Policy and the Global Competition for AI Talent

Tina Huang and Zachary Arnold
| June 2020

Current immigration policies may undermine the historic strength of the United States in attracting and retaining international AI talent. This report examines the immigration policies of four U.S. economic competitor nations—the United Kingdom, Canada, France, and Australia—to offer best practices for ensuring future AI competitiveness.

Plus, Lockheed Martin to develop cyber jamming pod, Huawei partners with chipmakers, and many AI COVID-19 models found to be unreliable

Plus, Facebook introduces PyTorch3D, AAAI conference held, and JEDI contract blocked

James Dunham is an NLP Engineer at CSET. His doctoral research at MIT addressed measurement problems in political science using unstructured data and natural language processing.

Talent is core to U.S. competitiveness in artificial intelligence, and international graduate students are a large source of AI talent for the United States. Graduate student retention has been a historical U.S. strength, but that strength is endangered by recent trends, finds a new CSET report.

Keeping Top AI Talent in the United States

Remco Zwetsloot
| December 2019

Talent is core to U.S. competitiveness in artificial intelligence, and international graduate students are a large source of AI talent for the United States. Retaining them in this country as they transition into the workforce is key. Graduate student retention has historically been a core U.S. strength, but that strength is endangered by recent events.

Plus a New Report on Semiconductors, China Legislates Deepfakes, and Schmidt and Work Pen an Op-Ed