Tag Archive: Workforce

Research Fellow Diana Gehlhaus calls for coordination across the DOD to cultivating talent who can advance the use of AI in an opinion piece for Defense One.

University talent ‘bonanza’ from crackdown on tech firms

University World News
| January 15, 2022

CSET's Anna Puglisi spoke with University World News on China's tech talent pivoting away from big tech companies and returning back to academia.

In an opinion piece for The Hill, Research Fellow Diana Gehlhaus calls for a clear U.S. AI workforce policy if the U.S. wants to be the leader in AI talent drawing from her latest report.

In her latest CSET report, Research Fellow Diana Gehlhaus discusses the United States' lack of a defined AI education and AI workforce policy, and offers policy recommendations.

U.S. AI Workforce: Policy Recommendations

Diana Gehlhaus, Luke Koslosky, Kayla Goode, and Claire Perkins
| October 2021

This policy brief addresses the need for a clearly defined artificial intelligence education and workforce policy by providing recommendations designed to grow, sustain, and diversify the U.S. AI workforce. The authors employ a comprehensive definition of the AI workforce—technical and nontechnical occupations—and provide data-driven policy goals. Their recommendations are designed to leverage opportunities within the U.S. education and training system while mitigating its challenges, and prioritize equity in access and opportunity to AI education and AI careers.

The DOD’s Hidden Artificial Intelligence Workforce

Diana Gehlhaus, Ron Hodge, Luke Koslosky, Kayla Goode, and Jonathan Rotner
| September 2021

This policy brief, authored in collaboration with the MITRE Corporation, provides a new perspective on the U.S. Department of Defense’s struggle to recruit and retain artificial intelligence talent. The authors find that the DOD already has a cadre of AI and related experts, but that this talent remains hidden. Better leveraging this talent could go a long way in meeting the DOD’s AI objectives. The authors argue that this can be done through policies that more effectively identify AI talent and assignment opportunities, processes that incentivize experimentation and changes in career paths, and investing in the necessary technological infrastructure.

Unwanted Foreign Transfers of U.S. Technology: Proposed Prevention Strategies

William Hannas and Huey-Meei Chang
| September 10, 2021

The transfer of national security relevant technology—to peer competitors especially—is a well-documented problem and must be balanced with the benefits of free exchange. The following propositions covering six facets of the transfer issue reflect CSET’s current recommendations on the matter.

A new CSET reports that by 2025 China will have almost twice as many PhD STEM students as the United States.

China is Fast Outpacing U.S. STEM PhD Growth

Remco Zwetsloot, Jack Corrigan, Emily S. Weinstein, Dahlia Peterson, Diana Gehlhaus, and Ryan Fedasiuk
| August 2021

Since the mid-2000s, China has consistently graduated more STEM PhDs than the United States, a key indicator of a country’s future competitiveness in STEM fields. This paper explores the data on STEM PhD graduation rates and projects their growth over the next five years, during which the gap between China and the United States is expected to increase significantly.

CSET's legislative roundup series highlights the latest congressional activity on science, technology and national security topics.