Tag Archive: United States

Deepfakes, Elections, and Shrinking the Liar’s Dividend

Brennan Center for Justice
| January 23, 2024

In an article published by the Brennan Center for Justice, Josh A. Goldstein and Andrew Lohn delve into the concerns about the spread of misleading deepfakes and the liar's dividend.

In an op-ed article published in Lawfare, CSET’s Lauren Kahn discusses the increasing integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in military operations globally and the need for effective governance to avoid potential mishaps and escalation.

In an article published by The Messenger, Luke Koslosky provided his expert insights in the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) education and job opportunities.

The race to secure semiconductor supply chains

BBC World Service
| January 11, 2024

In a BBC World Service's Business Daily episode that revolves around the challenges faced by the semiconductor industry, CSET's Hanna Dohmen provided her expert insights.

AI threats loom over cautious Congress

The Hill
| January 10, 2024

In an article published by The Hill that discusses the growing concerns and risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI), CSET's Dewey Murdick provided his expert insights.

In an article published by Bloomberg that discusses the the influence of Big Tech companies on the artificial intelligence (AI) startup ecosystem, CSET's Ngor Luong provided her expert insights.

In an article by Forbes discussing the recent economic trends in the United States following the Covid-19 recession, CSET's Matthias Oschinski provided his expert insights.

In a WIRED article discussing issues with Microsoft's AI chatbot providing misinformation, conspiracies, and outdated information in response to political queries, CSET's Josh A. Goldstein provided his expert insights.

In an op-ed published in The Bulletin, CSET’s Owen J. Daniels, discusses the Biden administration's executive order on responsible AI use, emphasizing the importance of clear signals in AI policymaking.

AI and Biorisk: An Explainer

Steph Batalis
| December 2023

Recent government directives, international conferences, and media headlines reflect growing concern that artificial intelligence could exacerbate biological threats. When it comes to biorisk, AI tools are cited as enablers that lower information barriers, enhance novel biothreat design, or otherwise increase a malicious actor’s capabilities. In this explainer, CSET Biorisk Research Fellow Steph Batalis summarizes the state of the biorisk landscape with and without AI.