Tag Archive: China

How do we measure leadership in artificial intelligence, and where does the United States rank? This policy brief examines potential AI strengths of the United States and China and prescribes recommendations to ensure the United States remains ahead.

Plus RAND report on DOD, OECD report on semiconductor industry and the AI Index

Zachary Arnold is the Project Lead for CSET’s Emerging Technology Observatory.

William Hannas is Lead Analyst. He studies Chinese technology transfer and S&T priorities and concerns.

Ryan Fedasiuk is a Non-Resident Sr. Research Analyst/Public Service Fellow at the U.S. Department of State.

Huey-Meei Chang is a Senior China S&T Specialist focusing on Chinese science and technology.

Dahlia Peterson was a State Department Fellow. Her previous research has included how China harnesses various technologies for its AI-powered surveillance programs.

Ben Murphy is CSET's Translation Manager following a 14-year career at the Central Intelligence Agency.

Daniel Chou is a Data Scientist focused on transforming data into knowledge.