Our Team

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Ben Murphy is CSET's Translation Manager following a 14-year career at the Central Intelligence Agency. Read more

Ben Murphy

Translation Manager
Catherine Aiken is the Director of Data Science and Research. Before joining CSET as its survey specialist, she was at the University of Maryland. Read more

Catherine Aiken

Director of Data Science and Research
Christian Schoeberl is a Data Research Analyst at CSET. Read more

Christian Schoeberl

Data Research Analyst
Daniel Chou is a Data Scientist focused on transforming data into knowledge. Read more

Daniel Chou

Data Scientist
Jacob Feldgoise is a Data Research Analyst focused on U.S.-China technology competition, China’s foreign influence, and emerging technologies talent flows. Read more

Jacob Feldgoise

Data Research Analyst
James Dunham is an NLP Engineer at CSET. His doctoral research at MIT addressed measurement problems in political science using unstructured data and natural language processing. Read more

James Dunham

NLP Engineer
Katherine Quinn is a Data Scientist at CSET. Read more

Katherine Quinn

Data Scientist
Rebecca Gelles is a Data Scientist. Previously, she studied at the University of Maryland. Read more

Rebecca Gelles

Data Scientist
Ronnie Kinoshita is a Deputy Director of Data Science and Research at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET). Read more

Ronnie Kinoshita

Deputy Director of Data Science & Research