Compete - Line of Research


What role do the state of technological innovation and competitiveness in the United States have in national power? We offer recommendations for research and development policy, science and technology strategy, and research security. We also weigh in on the use of investments and incentives to strengthen the innovation ecosystem; export controls, sanctions and related policies to protect intellectual property and sensitive technologies; and trade rules and antitrust approaches to promote a fair and vibrant competitive environment. 

Recent Publications

Data Snapshot

Pushing the Limits: Huawei’s AI Chip Tests U.S. Export Controls

Jacob Feldgoise Hanna Dohmen
| June 17, 2024

Since 2019, the U.S. government has imposed restrictive export controls on Huawei—one of China’s leading tech giants—seeking, in part, to hinder the company’s AI chip development efforts. This data snapshot reveals how exactly Huawei’s latest AI chip—the Ascend 910B—improves on the prior generation and demonstrates how export controls are likely...

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CSET Non-Resident Senior Fellow Kevin Wolf testified before the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission on economic competition with China.

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China, Biotechnology, and BGI

Anna Puglisi Chryssa Rask
| May 2024

As the U.S. government considers banning genomics companies from China, it opens a broader question about how the United States and other market economies should deal with China’s “national champions.” This paper provides an overview of one such company—BGI—and how China’s industrial policy impacts technology development in China and around...

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Recent Blog Articles

China Bets Big on Military AI

Sam Bresnick
| April 3, 2024

In his op-ed published by the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), CSET’s Sam Bresnick shared his expert analysis on China's evolving military capabilities and its growing emphasis on battlefield information and the role of AI.

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China’s Hybrid Economy: What to Do about BGI?

Anna Puglisi
| February 2, 2024

As the U.S. government considers banning genomics companies from China in the Biosecure Act, it opens a broader question of how the U.S. and other market economies should deal with China’s national champions. This blog post provides an overview of BGI and how China’s industrial policy impacts technology development.

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RISC-V: What it is and Why it Matters

Jacob Feldgoise
| January 22, 2024

As the U.S. government tightens its controls on China’s semiconductor ecosystem, a new dimension is increasingly worrying Congress: the open-source chip architecture known as RISC-V (pronounced “risk-five”). This blog post provides an introduction to the RISC-V architecture and an explanation of what policy-makers can do to address concerns about this...

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Our People

Hanna Dohmen

Research Analyst

Jack Corrigan

Senior Research Analyst

Jacob Feldgoise

Data Research Analyst

Ngor Luong

Senior Research Analyst

Related News

In an article published by The Wall Street Journal that delves into the changing economic dynamics between the U.S. and China, CSET's Ngor Luong provides her expert insight.
A CSET report written by Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong was cited in an article by Foreign Policy. The article delves into Joe Biden's recent executive order to initiate restrictions on U.S. investment in three specific technology sectors in China: semiconductors, quantum information technologies, and artificial intelligence (AI).
In The News

China Deepfake Regulations

January 10, 2023
In an interview with BBC World News, Research Analyst Hanna Dohmen explains the significance of China's new regulations on deepfake technology.