Tag Archive: Defense

A CSET study found that a quarter of AI professionals view Pentagon work in a negative light, and 78% consider it a positive or neutral.

Ending Innovation Tourism

Melissa Flagg Jack Corrigan
| July 2021

As dual-use technologies transform the national security landscape, the U.S. Department of Defense has established a variety of offices and programs dedicated to bringing private sector innovation into the military. However, these efforts have largely failed to drive cutting-edge commercial technology into major military platforms and systems. This report examines the shortcomings of the DOD’s current approach to defense innovation and offers recommendations for a more effective strategy.

The National Defense Authorization Act requires the Department of Defense to disclose Chinese military companies operating in the United States. In her co-authored piece, CSET's Emily Weinstein analyzes section 1260H of the NDAA and future implications of U.S.-China relations.

The Public AI Research Portfolio of China’s Security Forces

Dewey Murdick Daniel Chou Ryan Fedasiuk Emily S. Weinstein
| March 2021

New analytic tools are used in this data brief to explore the public artificial intelligence (AI) research portfolio of China’s security forces. The methods contextualize Chinese-language scholarly papers that claim a direct working affiliation with components of the Ministry of Public Security, People's Armed Police Force, and People’s Liberation Army. The authors review potential uses of computer vision, robotics, natural language processing and general AI research.

Stealth technology was one of the most decisive developments in military aviation in the last 50 years. With U.S. technological leadership now under challenge, especially from China, this issue brief derives several lessons from the history of Stealth to guide current policymakers. The example of Stealth shows how the United States produced one critical technology in the past and how it might produce others today.

AI and the Future of Cyber Competition

Wyatt Hoffman
| January 2021

As states turn to AI to gain an edge in cyber competition, it will change the cat-and-mouse game between cyber attackers and defenders. Embracing machine learning systems for cyber defense could drive more aggressive and destabilizing engagements between states. Wyatt Hoffman writes that cyber competition already has the ingredients needed for escalation to real-world violence, even if these ingredients have yet to come together in the right conditions.

Research from a CSET report reveals that more than a dozen U.S. tech firms have collaborative programs with China contributing to China's expanding defense efforts.

Universities and the Chinese Defense Technology Workforce

Ryan Fedasiuk Emily S. Weinstein
| December 2020

To help U.S. policymakers address long-held concerns about risks and threats associated with letting Chinese university students or graduates study in the United States, CSET experts examine which forms of collaboration, and with which Chinese universities, pose the greatest risk to U.S. research security.

Margarita Konaev was Deputy Director of Analysis and a Research Fellow interested in military applications of AI and Russian military innovation in emerging technologies.