
The U.S. Has AI Competition All Wrong

Foreign Affairs
| August 7, 2020

AI competition among nations comes down to a technical triad: data, algorithms and computing power. While the first two elements receive an enormous amount of policy attention, compute is often overlooked. CSET's Ben Buchanan explores its potential in Foreign Affairs.

The rise of deepfakes could enhance the effectiveness of disinformation efforts by states, political parties and adversarial actors. How rapidly is this technology advancing, and who in reality might adopt it for malicious ends? This report offers a comprehensive deepfake threat assessment grounded in the latest machine learning research on generative models.

AI will alter the nature of cybersecurity in unanticipated ways. CSET's CyberAI Director, Ben Buchanan, wrote a research agenda for understanding these changes, including “how AI & machine learning can be used to detect malicious code.”

CyberLaw Podcast: Whaling at Scale

Steptoe & Johnson
| June 8, 2020

"Does machine learning get offensive actors anything they don't already have?" asks Ben Buchanan, Director of CSET's CyberAI program. He joined the CyberLaw podcast to discuss the impacts of AI on offensive and defensive cyber operations.

Geographical, the magazine of the Royal Geographical Society, reviews CSET Senior Faculty Fellow Ben Buchanan's latest book, which highlights the landscape of subtle but persistent cyber attacks that are changing statecraft.

CSET's CyberAI project released an issue brief, "A National Security Research Agenda for Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence," to chart the path for national security policymakers in cybersecurity and AI.

"Technology is fundamental to cyber operations on offense and defense," said CSET's Ben Buchanan on the question of AI and cybersecurity. "The reason why AI is important is that there’s just so much data that you need a machine to be able to do the first pass through the data [during offensive and defensive operations]."

Machine learning advances are transforming cyber strategy and operations. This necessitates studying national security issues at the intersection of AI and cybersecurity, including offensive and defensive cyber operations, the cybersecurity of AI systems, and the effect of new technologies on global stability. 

“There’s a case to be made that AI will help to solve some of the central problems of authoritarian regimes,” says CyberAI Director Ben Buchanan. “We need to think quite seriously about how to combat this and use this technology for democratic purposes.”

The AI Literacy Gap Hobbling American Officialdom

War on the Rocks
| January 14, 2020

Artificial intelligence poses unique challenges in a complex policy landscape. Programs in AI education for congressional staff—like the one piloted by CSET’s Ben Buchanan—could help national security professionals navigate this landscape.