
Axios Future featured CSET's report, "Truth, Lies, and Automation," which discovered GPT-3's startling ability to potentially fuel automated disinformation campaigns.

Truth, Lies, and Automation

Ben Buchanan Andrew Lohn Micah Musser Katerina Sedova
| May 2021

Growing popular and industry interest in high-performing natural language generation models has led to concerns that such models could be used to generate automated disinformation at scale. This report examines the capabilities of GPT-3--a cutting-edge AI system that writes text--to analyze its potential misuse for disinformation. A model like GPT-3 may be able to help disinformation actors substantially reduce the work necessary to write disinformation while expanding its reach and potentially also its effectiveness.

Ryan Fedasiuk's research on China's media manipulation found that 20 million part-time volunteers and 2 million paid commentators have been recruited to alter China's public opinion online.

In collaborations with Partnership on AI, CSET's AI Incident Database has documented 1,200 cases of AI system failures.

Fear and confusion continue over research interactions with China

Chemical & Engineering News
| May 7, 2021

CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein dissects the China Initiative and the lack of understanding it has created between law enforcement and academia.

Machine Intelligence for Scientific Discovery and Engineering Invention

Matthew Daniels Autumn Toney Melissa Flagg Charles Yang
| May 2021

The advantages of nations depend in part on their access to new inventions—and modern applications of artificial intelligence can help accelerate the creation of new inventions in the years ahead. This data brief is a first step toward understanding how modern AI and machine learning have begun accelerating growth across a wide array of science and engineering disciplines in recent years.

CSET's Anna Puglisi discussed that the surprising fundraising contributions by Chinese and Chinese-Americans to the Proud Boys organization were not an effort of identity politics by the Chinese government.

The National Defense Authorization Act requires the Department of Defense to disclose Chinese military companies operating in the United States. In her co-authored piece, CSET's Emily Weinstein analyzes section 1260H of the NDAA and future implications of U.S.-China relations.

A DPA for the 21st Century

Jamie Baker
| April 2021

The Defense Production Act can be an effective tool to bring U.S. industrial might to bear on broader national security challenges, including those in technology. If updated and used to its full effect, the DPA could be leveraged to encourage development and governance of artificial intelligence. And debate about the DPA’s use for AI purposes can serve to shape and condition expectations about the role the law’s authorities should or could play, as well as to identify essential legislative gaps.

CSET's data brief "Mapping Research Agendas in U.S. Corporate AI Laboratories" reveals how big tech companies are investing in AI research.