
CSET produces evidence-driven analysis in a variety of forms, from informative graphics and translations to expert testimony and published reports. Our key areas of inquiry are the foundations of artificial intelligence — such as talent, data and computational power — as well as how AI can be used in cybersecurity and other national security settings. We also do research on the policy tools that can be used to shape AI’s development and use, and on biotechnology.

Annual Report

CSET at Five

Center for Security and Emerging Technology
| March 2024

In honor of CSET’s fifth birthday, this annual report is a look at CSET’s successes in 2023 and over the course of the past five years. It explores CSET’s different lines of research and cross-cutting projects, and spotlights some of its most impactful research products.

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Ministry of Public Security 2019 Budget

September 2, 2020

This is an original CSET translation of the 2019 budget of the PRC Ministry of Public Security, which is responsible for China's police forces and for maintaining social stability.

Data Brief

China’s Use of AI in its COVID-19 Response

Emily S. Weinstein
| August 2020

The current global pandemic has given China a chance to amplify its efforts to apply artificial intelligence across the public and private spheres. Chinese companies are developing and retooling AI systems for control and prevention. This data brief assesses the types of AI technologies used to fight COVID-19 and the key players involved in this industry.

See our original translation of the final 2017 budget for the PRC State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA).

See our original translation of the 2018 document detailing China’s significant reorganization of party departments and government ministries.

See our translation of the 2017 budget for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the PRC State Council, which was responsible for education, propaganda, and other services aimed at Chinese nationals living abroad. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office was eliminated in a 2018 Chinese government reorganization and its functions were assigned to the Central United Front Work Department.


People’s Bank of China 2019 Budget

August 18, 2020

See our translation of the 2019 budget for China's central bank, the People's Bank of China.


The Youth Thousand Talents Plan and China’s Military

Ryan Fedasiuk Jacob Feldgoise
| August 2020

CSET research sheds light on the backgrounds and career paths of nearly 3,600 awardees in China’s Youth Thousand Talents Plan. While concerns over China’s recruitment of science and technology experts for military-supporting roles are legitimate, this brief finds that the vast majority of YTTP awardees receive civilian-oriented job offers.


Mainframes: A Provisional Analysis of Rhetorical Frames in AI

Andrew Imbrie James Dunham Rebecca Gelles Catherine Aiken
| August 2020

Are great powers engaged in an artificial intelligence arms race? This issue brief explores the rhetorical framing of AI by analyzing more than 4,000 English-language articles over a seven-year period. Among its findings: a growing number of articles frame AI development as a competition, but articles using the competition frame represent a declining proportion of articles about AI.

One sentence summarizes the complexities of modern artificial intelligence: Machine learning systems use computing power to execute algorithms that learn from data. This AI triad of computing power, algorithms, and data offers a framework for decision-making in national security policy.

The world is watching how the Chinese military develops and deploys artificial intelligence—but how exactly will it apply AI? This policy brief analyzes Chinese experts’ arguments about AI and prospective warfighting capabilities, identifying prevailing concerns about strategic stability and unintended escalation.