
CSET produces evidence-driven analysis in a variety of forms, from informative graphics and translations to expert testimony and published reports. Our key areas of inquiry are the foundations of artificial intelligence — such as talent, data and computational power — as well as how AI can be used in cybersecurity and other national security settings. We also do research on the policy tools that can be used to shape AI’s development and use, and on biotechnology.


AI Safety and Automation Bias

Lauren Kahn, Emelia Probasco, and Ronnie Kinoshita
| November 2024

Automation bias is a critical issue for artificial intelligence deployment. It can cause otherwise knowledgeable users to make crucial and even obvious errors. Organizational, technical, and educational leaders can mitigate these biases through training, design, and processes. This paper explores automation bias and ways to mitigate it through three case studies: Tesla’s autopilot incidents, aviation incidents at Boeing and Airbus, and Army and Navy air defense incidents.



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Read our original translation of "Made in China 2025." One of China’s most important industrial policies, it sets milestones for China to reach by 2020 and 2025 in service of its goal of upgrading the PRC manufacturing sector.

Data Brief

A Competitive Era for China’s Universities

Ryan Fedasiuk, Alan Omar Loera Martinez, and Anna Puglisi
| March 2022

This brief illuminates the scale of Chinese government funding for higher education, science, and technology by exploring budget and expense reports for key government organizations and 34 of China’s most elite “Double First Class” universities. Chinese political leaders view elite universities as key components of the country’s military modernization, economic growth, and soft power; a situation that presents security risks for international partners.

CSET submitted this comment to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on updating the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan.

Data Snapshot

Using PARAT to Rank Companies by Top AI Conference Publications

Autumn Toney
| March 2, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This is the second in a series of Snapshots exploring CSET’s Private-sector AI-Related Activity Tracker (PARAT). Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot, and explore PARAT, which collects data related to companies’ AI research and development to inform analysis of the global AI sector.

See our original translation of a PRC document that describes six different Chinese talent recruitment plans.

See our original translation of a PRC document that details China’s plans to develop domestic standards for the smart manufacturing industry.

This document is an English-language translation of the table of contents of an extremely lengthy compendium of PRC national, provincial, and city-level laws, regulations, and policies related to the “conversion of S&T achievements into practical applications.”

See our original translation of a PRC law, amended in December 2021, that regulates how Chinese technology-related industrial policies operate and how state guidance funds for S&T are run, stipulates punishments for those who embezzle S&T funds, and so on.

CSET Research Analyst Dakota Cary testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing on "China’s Cyber Capabilities: Warfare, Espionage, and Implications for the United States." Cary discussed the cooperative relationship between Chinese universities and China’s military and intelligence services to develop talent with the capabilities to perform state-sponsored cyberespionage operations.

Data Snapshot

Exploring CSET’s PARAT

Sara Abdulla
| February 16, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This is the first in a series of Snapshots exploring CSET’s Private-sector AI-Related Activity Tracker (PARAT). Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot, and explore PARAT, which collects data related to companies’ AI research and development to inform analysis of the global AI sector.