
CSET produces evidence-driven analysis in a variety of forms, from informative graphics and translations to expert testimony and published reports. Our key areas of inquiry are the foundations of artificial intelligence — such as talent, data and computational power — as well as how AI can be used in cybersecurity and other national security settings. We also do research on the policy tools that can be used to shape AI’s development and use, and on biotechnology.

Annual Report

CSET at Five

Center for Security and Emerging Technology
| March 2024

In honor of CSET’s fifth birthday, this annual report is a look at CSET’s successes in 2023 and over the course of the past five years. It explores CSET’s different lines of research and cross-cutting projects, and spotlights some of its most impactful research products.

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CSET Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn testified before the U.S. Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Cybersecurity hearing on artificial intelligence applications to operations in cyberspace. Lohn discussed AI's capabilities and vulnerabilities in cyber defenses and offenses.


Training Tomorrow’s AI Workforce

Diana Gehlhaus Luke Koslosky
| April 2022

Community and technical colleges offer enormous potential to grow, sustain, and diversify the U.S. artificial intelligence (AI) talent pipeline. However, these institutions are not being leveraged effectively. This report evaluates current AI-related programs and the associated number of graduates. The authors find that few AI and AI-related degrees and certificates are being awarded today. They propose five recommendations to address existing challenges and harness the potential of these institutions to train tomorrow’s AI workforce.

Data Snapshot

Exploring the Company Stage of Development Feature in PARAT

Autumn Toney
| April 27, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This is the sixth in a series of Snapshots exploring CSET’s Private-sector AI-Related Activity Tracker (PARAT). Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot, and explore PARAT, which collects data related to companies’ AI research and development to inform analysis of the global AI sector.

Read our original translation of a 2016 PRC notice that describes the process by which "foreign experts" receive permission to work in China.

Data Snapshot

Examining Patent Data in PARAT: Patent Applications

Sara Abdulla
| April 13, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This is the fifth in a series of Snapshots exploring CSET’s Private-sector AI-Related Activity Tracker (PARAT). Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot, and explore PARAT, which collects data related to companies’ AI research and development to inform analysis of the global AI sector.


The Long-Term Stay Rates of International STEM PhD Graduates

Jack Corrigan James Dunham Remco Zwetsloot
| April 2022

This issue brief uses data from the National Science Foundation’s Survey of Doctorate Recipients to explore how many of the international students who earn STEM PhDs from U.S. universities stay in the country after graduation. The authors trace the journeys that these graduates take through the immigration system and find that most remain in the United States long after earning their degrees.

Read our original translation of a 2017 PRC report that lists all of China's state key laboratories and summarizes their key accomplishments from the previous year.

Data Snapshot

Examining Patent Data in PARAT  

Sara Abdulla
| March 30, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This is the fourth in a series of Snapshots exploring CSET’s Private-sector AI-Related Activity Tracker (PARAT). Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot, and explore PARAT, which collects data related to companies’ AI research and development to inform analysis of the global AI sector.

CSET Research Fellow Caroline Schuerger testified before the Bipartisan Commission on Biodefense hearing on "The Biological Threat Expanse" Current and Future Challenges to National Biodefense." She discussed threats to the bioeconomy and steps the U.S. and its allies can take to harness biotechnology's capabilities and raise awareness of risky research.

Data Snapshot

Where are Companies Publishing AI Papers?

Autumn Toney
| March 16, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This is the third in a series of Snapshots exploring CSET’s Private-sector AI-Related Activity Tracker (PARAT). Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot, and explore PARAT, which collects data related to companies’ AI research and development to inform analysis of the global AI sector.