Tag Archive: Workforce

“The Main Resource is the Human”

Micah Musser, Rebecca Gelles, Ronnie Kinoshita, Catherine Aiken, and Andrew Lohn
| April 2023

Progress in artificial intelligence (AI) depends on talented researchers, well-designed algorithms, quality datasets, and powerful hardware. The relative importance of these factors is often debated, with many recent “notable” models requiring massive expenditures of advanced hardware. But how important is computational power for AI progress in general? This data brief explores the results of a survey of more than 400 AI researchers to evaluate the importance and distribution of computational needs.

MeriTalk published an article featuring CSET's Diana Gehlhaus. Gehlhaus points out that artificial intelligence has a broad range of applications within various government missions.

Seeking Alpha cited CSET's Will Hunt's policy brief in an article that talks about the CHIPS Act, a plan that intends to revive the US semiconductor industry but with associated risks in its implementation

America’s lead in advanced computing is almost gone

Georgetown Public Policy Review
| February 28, 2023

The Georgetown Public Policy Review recently published a paper that cited a report by CSET's Jack Corrigan, Emily S. Weinstein, Dahlia Peterson, and Ryan Fedasiuk, and CSET alumni Remco Zwetsloot and Diana Gehlhaus. The report examines data on STEM PhD graduation rates and predicts their growth in the next five years, during which China is expected to increase its lead over the United States.

CSET Director of Biotechnology Programs Anna Puglisi testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission at a hearing on "China’s Challenges and Capabilities in Educating and Training the Next Generation Workforce."

CSET Research Analyst Dahlia Peterson testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission at a hearing on "China’s Challenges and Capabilities in Educating and Training the Next Generation Workforce."

Newsweek published an article that cited a report by CSET's Jack Corrigan, Emily S. Weinstein, Dahlia Peterson, and Ryan Fedasiuk, and CSET alumni Remco Zwetsloot and Diana Gehlhaus. The report examines data on STEM PhD graduation rates and predicts their growth in the next five years, during which China is expected to increase its lead over the United States.

Forbes referred to a report authored by CSET alumni Diana Gehlhaus and Santiago Mutis. The report delves into the domestic AI workforce, providing an initial evaluation of its makeup, size, and essential features.

China’s AI Workforce

Diana Gehlhaus, Joanne Boisson, Sara Abdulla, Jacob Feldgoise, Luke Koslosky, and Dahlia Peterson
| November 2022

U.S. policies on artificial intelligence education and the AI workforce must grow, cultivate, attract, and retain the world’s best and brightest. Given China’s role as a producer of AI talent, understanding its AI workforce could provide important insight. This report provides an analysis of the AI workforce demand in China using a novel dataset of 6.8 million job postings. It then outlines potential implications along with future reports in this series.

CSET's Ali Crawford and Jessica Ji submitted this comment to the Office of the National Cyber Director in response to a request for information on a national strategy for a cyber workforce, training, and education.