Tag Archive: Talent

Talent is core to U.S. competitiveness in artificial intelligence, and international graduate students are a large source of AI talent for the United States. Graduate student retention has been a historical U.S. strength, but that strength is endangered by recent trends, finds a new CSET report.

Keeping Top AI Talent in the United States

Remco Zwetsloot
| December 2019

Talent is core to U.S. competitiveness in artificial intelligence, and international graduate students are a large source of AI talent for the United States. Retaining them in this country as they transition into the workforce is key. Graduate student retention has historically been a core U.S. strength, but that strength is endangered by recent events.

Plus a New Report on Semiconductors, China Legislates Deepfakes, and Schmidt and Work Pen an Op-Ed

Plus using NLP to identify disinformation, the USCC annual report and progress on AI R&D

Thanksgiving Holiday Reads

November 27, 2019

This Thanksgiving, we’re grateful for an abundance of significant research on artificial intelligence and national security. Whether you’re staying put by the fireplace or traveling across the country, the CSET team has you covered with six recommended reads for the long weekend.

See our translation of a Ministry of Education plan issued in April 2018. The plan lays out objectives designed to significantly enhance China’s cadre of AI talent and its university AI curricula by 2030.

Plus a growing data labeling market, U.S. Army plans for AI, and inaugural Turing AI Fellows announced

Thoughts on Russia’s AI Strategy

Margarita Konaev
| October 30, 2019

On October 10th, 2019, Russia released its national artificial intelligence strategy. Margarita Konaev analyzed the strategy in the context of Moscow's larger strategic vision.

As the artificial intelligence field becomes more developed globally, restrictive immigration policies threaten America’s ability to recruit and retain foreign AI talent, according to a new CSET report.

Immigration Policy and the U.S. AI Sector

Zachary Arnold
| September 2019

As the artificial intelligence field becomes more developed globally, the United States will continue to rely on foreign AI talent to stay ahead of the curve. Here are our preliminary recommendations to maintain current U.S. leadership, bolster the domestic AI workforce and improve the outlook for the future.