Tag Archive: Investment

Microsoft Unveils Lobe; Will this Make AI Mainstream?

Psychology Today
| October 26, 2020

Psychology Today published an article on Microsoft's new Lobe application. The article featured original research from several CSET experts, including Research Fellow Zachary Arnold, Data Analyst Ilya Rahkovsky and Research Analyst Tina Huang.

CSET Senior Fellow Melissa Flagg spoke with National Journal about the White House's National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies. Releasing a high-level document is wise, said Dr. Flagg, but doing so just before an election may lessen its effect.

Plus: Chinese executives launch tech fund, Trump considers blacklisting SMIC, and House approves AI Center of Excellence

CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny testified before the House Budget Committee for its hearing, "Machines, Artificial Intelligence, & the Workforce: Recovering and Readying Our Economy for the Future." Dr. Matheny's full testimony as prepared for delivery can be found below.

Power on the Precipice

September 8, 2020

Former Deputy National Security Advisor hosted Dr. Andrew Imbrie, a senior fellow at CSET, for a discussion on his new book, Power on the Precipice.

Power on the Precipice

September 4, 2020

Avril Haines will host CSET Senior Fellow Andrew Imbrie for a discussion of his new book, Power on the Precipice, which outlines a strategy for maintaining U.S. global leadership in a turbulent world.

Plus, New Zealand’s Algorithm Charter, the House Intel Authorization Act and ODNI’s AI principles.

Global R&D and a New Era of Alliances

Melissa Flagg
| June 2020

Research and development funding and technological leadership are crucial to sustaining America’s comparative advantages. While the prevailing narrative suggests that China leads in a bipolar competition, in reality, the United States and its allies comprise a majority of global R&D.

The United States and its allies must develop targeted and coordinated policies to respond to unwanted Chinese technology transfer—gathering more data, raising awareness of tech transfer, and coordinating investment screening procedures as part of a broader agenda of technology alliance cooperation.

Ngor Luong is a Senior Research Analyst focusing on China.