Tag Archive: China

While cyber theft and espionage deserve considerable attention, CSET's William Hannas discussed additional dangers the United States suffers from against China.

How China plans to engineer its way out of technology ‘strangeholds’

Australian Strategic Policy Institute
| September 26, 2022

A CSET report identifies 35 Chinese technological chokepoints.

Chipmaker faces heightened scrutiny over China exports

Supply Chain Daily
| September 8, 2022

In an interview with Supply Chain Daily, Research Analyst Karson Elmgren discussed how the United States can protect its interests in the global chip supply chain after placing restrictions on chipmakers Nvidia and AMD for selling chips to China.

A CSET report found that 97 AI chips in China's military purchase records were manufactured by U.S. based firms.

A CEST report found that the Chinese military is reliant on American technologies and advanced chip production capacity in Taiwan and South Korea for procuring its AI chips.

Ask the Experts: Is China’s Semiconductor Strategy Working?

London School of Economics
| September 1, 2022

Research Fellow Emily Weinstein answers whether China's "Made in China 2025” to increase semiconductor production is actually working.

BGI Shakes Up Sequencing

The Wire China

CSET's Anna Puglisi expresses her concerns over Chinese genome sequencing company BGI Group entering the U.S. sequencing market.

CSET Research Fellow Emily Weinstein testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission at a hearing on "Challenges from Chinese Policy in 2022: Zero-COVID, Ukraine, and Pacific Diplomacy." Weinstein proposed the creation of a new export control regime.

According to a CSET report, China's weaknesses in semiconductor manufacturing can be exploited through the use of export and investment controls.

In an interview with DefenseOne, CSET's Ryan Fedasiuk and Will Hunt discussed efforts the U.S. can take to reshore semiconductor manufacturing after the House passed the CHIPS Act.