Tag Archive: AI applications

Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn discusses the threats and vulnerabilities AI systems, especially the Pentagon's, are susceptible to in his recent CSET report Poison in the Well

Axios Future featured CSET's report, "Truth, Lies, and Automation," which discovered GPT-3's startling ability to potentially fuel automated disinformation campaigns.

A DPA for the 21st Century

Jamie Baker
| April 2021

The Defense Production Act can be an effective tool to bring U.S. industrial might to bear on broader national security challenges, including those in technology. If updated and used to its full effect, the DPA could be leveraged to encourage development and governance of artificial intelligence. And debate about the DPA’s use for AI purposes can serve to shape and condition expectations about the role the law’s authorities should or could play, as well as to identify essential legislative gaps.

CSET Research Fellow Margarita Konaev discusses the challenges of building trust within human-machine relationships in military systems.

Building trust in human-machine teams

Brookings Institute
| February 18, 2021

CSET Research Fellow Margarita Konaev and Research Analyst Husanjot Chahal discuss research gaps on trust in human-machine teaming and how to build trustworthy AI systems for military systems and missions.

How the next White House should handle AI

| September 23, 2020

Axios Future highlighted a series of one-pagers issued by CSET providing AI policy recommendations for the next presidential administration to consider and implement. The full piece from Axios can be found below.

Ryan Fedasiuk is a Non-Resident Sr. Research Analyst/Public Service Fellow at the U.S. Department of State.

Margarita Konaev was Deputy Director of Analysis and a Research Fellow interested in military applications of AI and Russian military innovation in emerging technologies.