
Thanks to a generous grant from the Hewlett Foundation, CSET is launching a new Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence project to be led by Ben Buchanan. The project will examine the potential risks of AI in cyberspace and national security.

AI could enhance cyber threats, university researchers say

Federal News Network
| December 6, 2019

CSET’s Ben Buchanan joined Federal Drive to discuss the new project he’s spearheading, CyberAI. It will examine the intersection of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.

Accelerating threats to cybersecurity, the impact of automation on cyber defense, and the degree to which cyber operations will become faster and more powerful are among the subjects that CSET will now start to explore thanks to a grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

CSET expert Ben Buchanan testifies to Congress on vulnerabilities and need for defense using the latest AI tools.

CSET Senior Faculty Fellow Ben Buchanan testified before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs for its hearing on Export Control Reform Implementation: Outside Perspectives.

“The internet is a very complex and rough environment, and governments, especially small governments, don’t have as many cards as they would like to play,” said CSET Senior Faculty Fellow Ben Buchanan, a cybersecurity expert who teaches at Georgetown University.

CSET Senior Faculty Fellow Ben Buchanan testified before the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism for its hearing on Artificial Intelligence and Counterterrorism: Possibilities and Limitations.