
CSET's "Banned in D.C." found that few U.S. states have followed the U.S. government’s lead on trying to prohibit the procurement of foreign information and telecommunications technologies.

In a report for the Observer Research Foundation, Research Analyst Husan Chahal writes about the ethics of artificial intelligence and how the multitude of efforts across such a diverse group of stakeholders reflects the need for guidance in AI development.

CSET report "Banned in D.C." found that despite federal efforts to block Chinese telecom equipment from U.S. supply chains, state and local governments across the country continued to buy products designated a threat to national security.

In an interview with Nextgov, Research Analyst Jack Corrigan discussed his latest report and U.S. approached to foreign technology threats.

Big Tech Goes to War

Foreign Affairs
| October 19, 2022

In her coauthored article for Foreign Affairs, Senior Fellow Emelia Probasco discusses the role of U.S. technology in conflict, particularly in the war in Ukraine.

A Common Language for Responsible AI

Emelia Probasco
| October 2022

Policymakers, engineers, program managers and operators need the bedrock of a common set of terms to instantiate responsible AI for the Department of Defense. Rather than create a DOD-specific set of terms, this paper argues that the DOD could benefit by adopting the key characteristics defined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology in its draft AI Risk Management Framework with only two exceptions.

Deputy Director of Analysis Margarita Konaev discussed the Russian military's setbacks in Ukraine.

In a study for Harvard's Misinformation Review, Research Fellow Josh Goldstein looks at how tactics used in political influence operations are used for commercial purposes.

Why business is booming for military AI startups

MIT Technology Review
| July 7, 2022

In an interview with MIT Technology Review, Research Analyst Ngor Luong discussed the business boom of AI companies with military ambitions since the war in Ukraine.

Sending cutting-edge technology to the frontline of Ukraine is an opportunity for the United States to get operational experience and give Ukrainians newer and helpful capabilities on the battlefield according to CSET Margarita Konaev.