CyberAI Project

Josh A. Goldstein

Research Fellow Print Bio

Josh A. Goldstein is a Research Fellow at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET), where he works on the CyberAI Project. Prior to joining CSET, he was a pre- and postdoctoral fellow at the Stanford Internet Observatory. He holds an MPhil and DPhil in International Relations from the University of Oxford, where he studied as a Clarendon Scholar, and an A.B. in Government from Harvard College.

Goldstein’s research focuses on online adversarial manipulation, especially covert foreign influence operations on social media platforms, and evaluating malicious use risks of emerging technologies. His work has been published in peer-reviewed outlets including the Journal of Politics, PNAS Nexus, and the Harvard Misinformation Review, and covered in the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, and other major media outlets.

Goldstein has given briefings to policy audiences across the U.S. government and abroad, including in London, Brussels, and Seoul, and written analysis in publications such as Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, MIT Tech Review, and Lawfare.

Goldstein is currently on assignment as a Policy Advisor at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) under an Intergovernmental Personnel Act agreement with CSET.

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