
Huey-Meei Chang

Senior China S&T Specialist Print Bio

Huey-Meei Chang is a Senior China S&T Specialist at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET). She earned a B.S. in mathematical statistics from National Taipei University and began her career in Taiwan’s Academia Sinica, Institute of Biomedical Sciences as a data analyst. She later emigrated to the United States, where she taught Chinese language document analysis at U.S. Government agencies for 12 years prior to joining CSET in 2019. Huey is co-editor of Chinese Power and Artificial Intelligence: Perspectives and Challenges (Routledge, 2023), a co-author of China’s Quest for Foreign Technology (Routledge, 2021), and author of multiple papers on Chinese technology transfer and artificial intelligence. Her recent work focuses on China’s brain-inspired and advanced AI.

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