Tag Archive: H-1B

Immigration Policy and the Global Competition for AI Talent

Tina Huang and Zachary Arnold
| June 2020

Current immigration policies may undermine the historic strength of the United States in attracting and retaining international AI talent. This report examines the immigration policies of four U.S. economic competitor nations—the United Kingdom, Canada, France, and Australia—to offer best practices for ensuring future AI competitiveness.

Plus, Lockheed Martin to develop cyber jamming pod, Huawei partners with chipmakers, and many AI COVID-19 models found to be unreliable

Plus using NLP to identify disinformation, the USCC annual report and progress on AI R&D

Thanksgiving Holiday Reads

November 27, 2019

This Thanksgiving, we’re grateful for an abundance of significant research on artificial intelligence and national security. Whether you’re staying put by the fireplace or traveling across the country, the CSET team has you covered with six recommended reads for the long weekend.