Tag Archive: China

CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein emphasizes how China's Thousand Talent Plan encourages a culture of secrecy among its participants.

Chinese Students Are Not a Fifth Column

Foreign Affairs
| April 23, 2021

CSET Research Fellows Remco Zwetsloot and Zachary Arnold argue against the banning of Chinese STEM students from the United States and outline how rejecting foreign talent hampers U.S. innovation.

CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein weighs in on U.S. technology companies relying on China for growth and contributing to Chinese surveillance systems.

In his piece with The Jamestown Foundation, CSET Research Analyst Ryan Fedasiuk shines light on the Chinese Communist Party's use of internet trolls to control China's online public image.

The Public AI Research Portfolio of China’s Security Forces

Dewey Murdick Daniel Chou Ryan Fedasiuk Emily S. Weinstein
| March 2021

New analytic tools are used in this data brief to explore the public artificial intelligence (AI) research portfolio of China’s security forces. The methods contextualize Chinese-language scholarly papers that claim a direct working affiliation with components of the Ministry of Public Security, People's Armed Police Force, and People’s Liberation Army. The authors review potential uses of computer vision, robotics, natural language processing and general AI research.

CSET Research Fellow Zachary Arnold testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing on "U.S. Investment in China's Capital Markets and Military-Industrial Complex." Arnold discussed discuss China’s use of financial capital flows and the state’s prominent role in allocating capital to specific firms and sectors.

CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission hearing on "U.S. Investment in China's Capital Markets and Military-Industrial Complex." Weinstein discussed China's military-civil fusion strategy in university investment firms and Chinese talent programs.

CSET experts Zachary Arnold and Emily Weinstein testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission to discuss Chinese capital markets and offer recommendations to protect U.S. investment.

CSET Research Analyst Ryan Fedasiuk discusses President Xi Jinping's use of the internet to serve the PRC.

“Whatever we can do in our technology strategy to maintain that leverage now will have huge geopolitical and strategic relevance in the years ahead,” warns CSET Fellow Saif M. Khan before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ahead of the U.S.-China meetings.