Tag Archive: Artificial intelligence

Headline or Trend Line?

Margarita Konaev Andrew Imbrie Ryan Fedasiuk Emily S. Weinstein Katerina Sedova James Dunham
| August 2021

Chinese and Russian government officials are keen to publicize their countries’ strategic partnership in emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence. This report evaluates the scope of cooperation between China and Russia as well as relative trends over time in two key metrics of AI development: research publications and investment. The findings expose gaps between aspirations and reality, bringing greater accuracy and nuance to current assessments of Sino-Russian tech cooperation.

AI Safety Moves to the Forefront

EE Times
| August 23, 2021

Zachary Arnold and Helen Toner's CSET report "AI Accidents: An Emerging Threat" identifies requirements needed to achieve safer AI systems.

CSET Research Analyst Micah Musser discusses his research using GPT-3 to generate disinformation, and the difficulties for AI to identify AI-generated disinformation.

Separating AI cybersecurity hype from reality

Bank Automation News
| August 20, 2021

In Bank Automation New's latest podcast CSET's Micah Musser breaks down how AI and ML can heighten and hinder security, and how financial institutions can separate marketing fiction from cybersecurity reality.

In their report "AI Accidents," authors Helen Toner and Zachary Arnold make a noteworthy effort to name critical issues surrounding AI risk probability and impact.

In her latest opinion piece, CSET's Husanjot Chahal outlines a roadmap for the United States and India to collaborate on AI applications.

Indonesia’s AI Promise in Perspective

Kayla Goode Heeu Millie Kim
| August 2021

The United States and China are keeping an eye on Indonesia’s artificial intelligence potential given the country’s innovation-driven national strategy and flourishing AI industry. China views Indonesia as an anchor for its economic, digital, and political inroads in Southeast Asia and has invested aggressively in new partnerships. The United States, with robust political and economic relations rooted in shared democratic ideals, has an opportunity to leverage its comparative advantages and tap into Indonesia’s AI potential through high-level agreements.

A CSET study found that a quarter of AI professionals view Pentagon work in a negative light, and 78% consider it a positive or neutral.

CSET experts Matthew Daniels, Ben Chang, and Anna Puglisi discuss how AI can shape national power.

Parents are now sending their kids to study learn about STEM and AI at summer camp. CSET research found that 447 AI summer camps have opened within 48 of the U.S. states.