Tag Archive: Artificial intelligence

Research Analyst Ryan Fedasiuk reveals China's artificial intelligence intentions in an op-ed for Breaking Defense.

In an opinion piece for Politico Magazine, Ryan Fedasiuk highlights China's adoption of artificial intelligence into its military systems using evidence from his CSET report.

Is India the next AI superpower?

Tech Monitor
| November 10, 2021

CSET research shows India is building economic value from basic AI research, but a lack of PhD talent places it behind the United States and China in the development of high-end AI research according to Research Analyst Husanjot Chahal.

Classifying AI Systems

Catherine Aiken
| November 2021

This brief explores the development and testing of artificial intelligence system classification frameworks intended to distill AI systems into concise, comparable and policy-relevant dimensions. Comparing more than 1,800 system classifications, it points to several factors that increase the utility of a framework for human classification of AI systems and enable AI system management, risk assessment and governance.

Artificial Intelligence and the People’s Liberation Army: A Conversation with Ryan Fedasiuk

Center for Strategic and International Studies
| November 9, 2021

CSET's Ryan Fedasiuk joins CSIS' ChinaPower podcast for a discussion on the People's Liberation Army's adoption of AI.

Federal AI Workforce Development Requires Skills Diversity

Government CIO Media & Research
| November 08, 2021

Skills and diversity are needed for a strong AI workforce according to CSET's Diana Gehlhaus during Government CIO's National Security virtual event.

Drawing from their report "Small Data's Big AI Potential," CSET's Helen Toner and Husanjot Chahal discuss why smaller data approaches to AI can be helpful and how this approach can be applied within Europe.

IBM Watson Leaves China in Defeat

ChinAI Newsletter
| November 1, 2021

ChinAI's newsletter declares CSET report "Harnessed Lightning" a must read on how the Chinese military is applying AI in practice.

According to CSET's report "Harnessed Lightning," the Chinese military could be investing more in artificial intelligence than the United States.

Harnessed Lightning

Ryan Fedasiuk Jennifer Melot Ben Murphy
| October 2021

This report examines nearly 350 artificial intelligence-related equipment contracts awarded by the People’s Liberation Army and state-owned defense enterprises in 2020 to assess how the Chinese military is adopting AI. The report identifies China’s key AI defense industry suppliers, highlights gaps in U.S. export control policies, and contextualizes the PLA’s AI investments within China’s broader strategy to compete militarily with the United States.