Tag Archive: Artificial intelligence

CSET's Heather Frase was quoted by the Associated Press in an article discussing the Biden administration's efforts to ensure the responsible development of AI.

CSET Research Analyst Micah Musser and Institute for Progress Fellow Tim Hwang discussed CSET research examining factors that will contribute to future AI development.

CSET's Hanna Dohmen was quoted by the South China Morning Post in an article discussing China's recent announcement of concerns about potential risks from artificial general intelligence.

Have Compute, Will Travel

| April 27, 2023

A CSET data brief by Micah Musser, Rebecca Gelles, Ronnie Kinoshita, Catherine Aiken, and Andrew Lohn was cited by Politico in a newsletter about the rapidly changing field of artificial intelligence and the debate surrounding its regulation.

“The Main Resource is the Human”

Micah Musser Rebecca Gelles Ronnie Kinoshita Catherine Aiken Andrew Lohn
| April 2023

Progress in artificial intelligence (AI) depends on talented researchers, well-designed algorithms, quality datasets, and powerful hardware. The relative importance of these factors is often debated, with many recent “notable” models requiring massive expenditures of advanced hardware. But how important is computational power for AI progress in general? This data brief explores the results of a survey of more than 400 AI researchers to evaluate the importance and distribution of computational needs.

Using A.I. in Everyday Life

The New York Times
| April 21, 2023

The New York Times' Morning Newsletter cited CSET's Helen Toner in a piece about the rise of artificial intelligence and how it could become a regular part of our everyday lives.

CSET's Helen Toner was cited by TIME in an article about the European Union Artificial Intelligence Act.

CSET’s Heather Frase was interviewed by The Financial Times in an article about OpenAI's red team and their mission to test and mitigate the risks of GPT-4.

CSET’s Hanna Dohmen spoke with the South China Morning Post about the Cyberspace Administration of China's (CAC) draft regulations aimed at generative AI services like ChatGPT.

The Coming Age of AI-Powered Propaganda

Foreign Affairs
| April 7, 2023

CSET's Josh A. Goldstein and OpenAI's Girish Sastry co-authored an insightful article on language models and disinformation that was published in Foreign Affairs.