Category Archive: Uncategorized

Geographical, the magazine of the Royal Geographical Society, reviews CSET Senior Faculty Fellow Ben Buchanan's latest book, which highlights the landscape of subtle but persistent cyber attacks that are changing statecraft. Read More

"The massive [CORD-19] Dataset ...houses over 12,000 full text articles in 'machine-readable form.'" The CSET-led project is accelerating scientific discoveries in the fight against COVID-19. Read More

"AI is very different from other security-relevant technologies, in that the private sector is in the driver's seat." Zach Arnold and Ashwin Acharya joined the ChinaTalk podcast to discuss their work at CSET on AI investment. Read More

The CSET-coordinated Covid-19 Open Research Dataset "compiles relevant data and adds new research into one centralized hub. ...As of publication, there are more than 128,000 scholarly articles on Covid-19, coronavirus, SARS, MERS, and other relevant terms." Read More

"Changing the composition of tech companies could open the doors for a new generation of firms to challenge incumbents and collectively move forward American AI innovation." The Next Platform spoke with Dakota Foster to discuss how antitrust action might affect the tech sector. Read More

CSET's Dewey Murdick has helped organize a multi-institutional effort to use machine learning techniques to drive new scientific discoveries relevant to COVID-19. Read More

CSET's CyberAI project released an issue brief, "A National Security Research Agenda for Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence," to chart the path for national security policymakers in cybersecurity and AI. Read More

“The U.S. and its allies comprise almost two-thirds of global R&D,” noted CSET’s Andrew Imbrie during the Brookings Institution's Global China webinar. “There’s extraordinary ways we can try to leverage that pool of R&D and coordinate on shared priorities.” Read More

Antitrust actions could impact Defense artificial intelligence capabilities, says CSET's new report. CSET's report was cited in Kitchen Sync. Read More

In partnership with the White House, the National Library of Medicine, Allen Institute for AI, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Microsoft Research, and Kaggle, CSET launched the CORD-19 database to help in the fight against COVID-19. Read More