Category Archive: Uncategorized

Research by CSET's Emily Weinstein discusses China's use of AI surveillance to monitor COVID-19 patients. Read More

CSET Senior Fellow and co-author of "Truth, Lies, and Automation" Andrew Lohn dissects how CSET used GPT-3 to generate false information. Read More

Andrew Lohn discusses the different ways CSET used GPT-3 to automate misinformation. Read More

CSET Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn shares his research using GPT-3 to write disinformation campaigns. Read More

CEST's use of GPT-3 reveals an inevitable future where automated messages can create disinformation campaigns online. Read More

CSET's Ryan Fedasiuk, Emily Weinstein and Anna Puglisi reviewed 642 reports on international cooperation to learn how China's S&T diplomats acquire foreign technology. Read More

Preventing the spread of disinformation via GPT-3, tracking China's AI strategy, and more in CSET's recent publications. Read More

CSET's legislative roundup series highlights the latest congressional activity on science, technology and national security topics. Read More

CSET's Tim Hwang was invited to join the Federal Drive podcast to discuss tech companies' investments in AI and its misalignment with national priorities. Read More

CSET Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn weighs the strengths and weakness of AI used in cybersecurity. Read More