Category Archive: Uncategorized

In his testimony before the House Subcommittee Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation, Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn offer recommendations on how to mitigate AI security risks. Read More

CSET Translation Manager Ben Murphy explains how U.S. policymaker's can leverage China's technological chokepoints. Read More

China's use of guidance funds serves to deploy massive amounts of capital in support of strategic and emerging technologies. According to a CSET report, there were more than 1,300 city and district guidance funds by 2019. One city in central China has at least ten of them. Read More

CSET's Daniel Chou provides an update on previous CSET research exploring China's security forces' AI research portfolio. Read More

In his testimony before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Innovation, Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn discussed the application of AI systems in cybersecurity and AI’s vulnerabilities. Read More

In her coauthored report, CSET Research Analyst Dahlia Peterson offers recommendations for democratic governments and civil society to rein in the unchecked spread and use of surveillance technology. Read More

Research Analyst Will Hunt recommends allocating at least $23 billion of the $37 billion manufacturing incentives in the CHIPS Act for leading-node logic chips if the U.S. wants to produce advanced technological military equipment. Read More

In his testimony before the Senate Armed Forces Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn touched on AI's capabilities within cybersecurity offensive and defensive operations. Read More

Sending cutting-edge technology to the frontline of Ukraine is an opportunity for the United States to get operational experience and give Ukrainians newer and helpful capabilities on the battlefield according to CSET Margarita Konaev. Read More

Showcasing our researchers’ work and their latest media appearances as they weigh in on developments at the intersection of national security and emerging technology. Read More