About Us

A policy research organization within Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service, CSET provides decision-makers with data-driven analysis on the security implications of emerging technologies. CSET is currently focusing on the effects of progress in artificial intelligence (AI), advanced computing and biotechnology. We seek to prepare a new generation of decision-makers to address the challenges and opportunities of emerging technologies.

Who We Are

A wide banner with a dark blue gradient background featuring the logo of the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) in white lettering.

CSET staff come from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, bringing extensive experience from the highest levels of government, industry and academia to inform research at the intersection of technology and statecraft. We are committed to fostering a culture of inclusion and intellectual curiosity.

As a non-partisan organization, we produce rigorous, evidence-based, cross-functional analysis on emerging technology issues. We seek to expose our assumptions, follow the data and serve as trusted advisors to national security policymakers. Our data scientists collaborate closely with analysts to gather, process and interpret data at scale, including foreign-language and technical materials from diverse sources. 

Members of our team are challenged with meaningful work, offered ongoing opportunities for professional development and learning, and contribute to a collegial and engaging environment where they can thrive. 

We encourage you to learn more about CSET’s recent efforts by reading our 2023 annual report, CSET at Five.

What We Do

Our work covers several, sometimes intersecting, research topics:

CSET pinwheel with AI, Bio, and Cyber on an outer blue rink and wedges for Compete, Assessment, Applications, Peer-Watch, and Workforce around a middle circle for data

CSET’s unique analytic approach is supported by our Data Science team, and our significant data holdings include nearly 60 analysis-ready datasets offering unprecedented coverage of the emerging technology ecosystem, bolstered by novel methods to classify these documents for analytic purposes. The team also creates data visualizations to highlight CSET research findings with graphic aids, including trackers, maps and other data-rich graphics.

We translate significant foreign-language documents on AI into English. In addition to supporting CSET research, we offer this service to others upon request.

Additional CSET initiatives include:

We engage with the broader Georgetown University community via the Tech and Society Initiative and collaboration with GU students and faculty.  

Learn More

We disseminate our research through a variety of means, including public events, social media, media outreach, congressional testimony and policy.AI, our newsletter.

Find out more about our team, our public service fellows, and how to join us when openings are available.

CSET Team Photo at Georgetown Law 2023