
In collaboration with colleagues from CNAS and the Atlantic Council, CSET Researchers Ngor Luong and Emily Weinstein provided this comment in request to Treasury's Advanced Notice of Rule-making request for public comment (TREAS-DO-2023-0009-0001).

Highlighted in a TIME commentary piece is the impact of a CSET report, co-authored by Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong. The piece discusses President Joe Biden's recent visit to India and Vietnam, which underscores the U.S. administration's efforts to "de-risk" economically and technologically from China.

Margarita Konaev's insights in a TIME article shed light on the evolving U.S. security assistance to Ukraine amidst the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The article highlights the potential impact of providing Ukraine with ATACMS and the ongoing Biden administration deliberations.

In an op-ed published in War on the Rocks, CSET’s Lauren Kahn discusses the U.S. Department of Defense's Replicator initiative, which aims to rapidly scale military capabilities in response to strategic competition with China.

The PRC’s Efforts Abroad

Owen Daniels
| September 2023

This report summarizes more than 20 CSET reports, translations, and data analyses to provide insight into the steps China has taken to increase its technological competitiveness beyond its own borders.

The PRC’s Domestic Approach

Owen Daniels
| September 2023

This report summarizes more than 20 CSET reports, translations, and data analyses to provide insight into China’s internal actions to advance and implement its technology-related policy goals

ETO Scout

September 2023

Scout is ETO's discovery tool for Chinese-language writing on science and technology. Scout compiles, tags, and summarizes news and commentary from selected Chinese sources, helping English-speaking users easily keep up to date, skim the latest news, and discover new perspectives. Use the Scout web interface to browse and filter articles, or get customized updates delivered to your inbox through the Scout email service.

On September 8, 2023, Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Josh Hawley (R-MO) released their Bipartisan Framework on AI Legislation. The framework includes many ideas and recommendations that CSET research has highlighted over the past four years. This blog post highlights some of the most relevant reports and CSET’s perspective on the framework’s elements.

Recent announcements from both Pentagon and Congressional leaders offer significant opportunity for rapidly delivering autonomous systems technology at-scale for U.S. Warfighters well into the future. Dr. Jaret Riddick, CSET Senior Fellow and former Principal Director for Autonomy in USD(R&E) offers his perspective on DOD’s Replicator Initiative and recent legislative proposals about DOD autonomy.

On August 9, 2023 the Biden administration announced an executive order to restrict certain U.S. investments in China’s key technology sectors, including artificial intelligence. This blog post proposes implementing investment restrictions related to AI for national security using a list-based end-user approach that builds upon existing list-based tools.