
When it comes to U.S. efforts to link Chinese human rights violations and trade, China will likely act as though “what’s going on is the U.S. trying to quash their successful companies,” said Helen Toner, CSET’s Director of Strategy.

See our translation of one of the most detailed local government plans for “military-civil fusion.” It provides insight into local efforts to steer the development of emerging technologies in directions that fulfill PLA requirements.

China Brings Out the Big Guns for National Day

The Wall Street Journal
| October 1, 2019

China’s recent military parade “illustrates the PLA’s embrace of unmanned operations as critical elements of future combat across all domains of warfare,” said CSET Nonresident Research Fellow Elsa Kania.

See our translation of a document issued by China’s State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence (SASTIND) that identifies several emerging technologies of interest to the Chinese military.

The Center for Security Studies and Center for Security and Emerging Technology at Georgetown University were proud to present the 2019 George T. Kalaris Intelligence Conference: Artificial Intelligence and National Security.

China’s Access to Foreign AI Technology

The Cipher Brief
| September 25, 2019

CSET’s lead analyst, William Hannas, spoke to The Cipher Brief about his new report, China’s Access to Foreign AI Technology. “There is no sustained effort within the U.S. government to combat China’s predations because the problem is misconstrued as one of pure espionage,” he said.

AI Talent Policy with Remco Zwetsloot

| September 24, 2019

CSET Nonresident Research Fellow Jeff Ding launched his new podcast, ChinaAI Pod, with an inaugural episode featuring CSET Research Fellow Remco Zwetsloot. “The key thing that draws talent to and keeps talent in the U.S.,” said Zwetsloot, “is the robustness of its AI ecosystem.”

Translation of the full text of a Chinese government notice giving Chinese companies guidelines on how to build “open innovation platforms” for developing AI technology.

China’s technology transfer programs are broad, deeply rooted and calculated to support the country’s development of artificial intelligence, providing China early insight and access to foreign technical innovations.

Jeff Ding testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission for its hearing on "Technology, Trade, and Military-Civil Fusion: China’s Pursuit of Artificial Intelligence, New Materials, and New Energy."