
See our translation of biographical profiles of each member of China's New Generation AI Strategic Advisory Committee, as well as government and media reporting on the committee.

China’s strategy to grow its science and technology talent includes: 1) improving domestic education; 2) attracting overseas Chinese talent; and 3) attracting foreign talent. While China’s commitment to domestic education reform has achieved remarkable results, significant challenges remain.

China seeks to develop an indigenous semiconductor industry. It is in the strategic interest of the United States and democratic friends for China to remain reliant on them for state-of-the-art computer chips, especially as Beijing invests heavily in advanced chips.

The United States and its allies must develop targeted and coordinated policies to respond to unwanted Chinese technology transfer—gathering more data, raising awareness of tech transfer, and coordinating investment screening procedures as part of a broader agenda of technology alliance cooperation.

See our translation of guidelines issued by the PRC Ministry of Science and Technology in August 2019, describes a process by which Chinese cities can apply to establish "national new generation AI innovation and development pilot zones."

See our translation of the Ministry of Science and Technology describes a plan to entice foreign scientists, professors and entrepreneurs to work in China. Chinese companies, universities and research institutes apply on behalf of their prospective foreign employees.

See our translation of the Ministry of Science and Technology announcement of the establishment of four new AI Pilot Zones in cities across China, which encourage the expansion of China’s AI industry in cities where it is already developing. The ministry created the first seven such zones in 2019 and plans to build 20 by 2023.

See our translation of the announcement of the formation of the Ministry's Artificial Intelligence Technology Innovation Expert Group and lists all members of the group. CSET has annotated this translation with additional information about each group member, gleaned from publicly available information.

See our translation of three different Chinese government programs designed to recruit foreign talent in 2020 in support of China’s economic development, particularly in tech fields.

See our translation of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference proposed legal guidelines related to AI security. The document puts forward legal means to ameliorate a wide variety of potential dangers posed by the rise of AI technology.