
CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny testified before the House Budget Committee on preparing for the potential effects of artificial intelligence on the U.S. economy. Read about VentureBeat's coverage of the hearing below.

New Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Michael Kratsios spoke with CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny and delivered formal remarks in his first public appearance in the role. The pre-recorded discussion and remarks addressed the challenges and opportunities inherent in defense innovation.

Messier than Oil: Assessing Data Advantage in Military AI

Husanjot Chahal Ryan Fedasiuk Carrick Flynn
| July 2020

Both China and the United States seek to develop military applications enabled by artificial intelligence. This issue brief reviews the obstacles to assessing data competitiveness and provides metrics for measuring data advantage.

In the battlefield, unmanned systems can “go wrong because the technical challenges are significant, especially for ground operations,” warns CSET Research Fellow Rita Konaev.

GPT-2 Kickstarted the Conversation About Publication Norms in the AI Research Community

The Shanghai Institute for Science of Science
| May 1, 2020

CSET's Helen Toner highlights OpenAI's delayed release of GPT-2 and the increased attention it brought to publication norms in the AI research community in 2019. This piece was featured in In the Shanghai Institute for Science of Science's "AI Governance in 2019" report.

The White House is tapping the expertise of researchers from CSET to determine how data and open research can be used to address the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jason Matheny said the intelligence community has spent a lot of time looking at ways to use an adversary’s AI tools against them. “You can get a tank that is covered with a sort of form of digital camouflage ... that causes a machine learning classifier to think that it’s a school bus."

Ethical AI Standards for DoD Unveiled at Georgetown

The Georgetown Voice
| November 3, 2019

A new research center, the Center for Security and Emerging Technology, was launched this year within the SFS to study and advise policymakers on the intersection of AI and national security, and in September, the university hosted a conference on that same topic.

The Future of AI and Cybersecurity

The Cipher Brief
| October 30, 2019

“These three areas—adversarial learning, cyber offense, and cyber defense—deserve a lot more attention, and quickly,” writes CSET Senior Faculty Fellow Ben Buchanan. “Policymakers have begun to consider these important issues, but the conversation must continue.”

With AI, We’ll See Faster Fights, But Longer Wars

War on the Rocks
| October 29, 2019

Rita Konaev, Research Fellow at CSET, writes, “AI’s potential to improve wartime decision-making through real-time actionable intelligence can help reduce the risk of casualties, fratricide, and collateral damage in urban warfare.”