
CSET produces evidence-driven analysis in a variety of forms, from informative graphics and translations to expert testimony and published reports. Our key areas of inquiry are the foundations of artificial intelligence — such as talent, data and computational power — as well as how AI can be used in cybersecurity and other national security settings. We also do research on the policy tools that can be used to shape AI’s development and use, and on biotechnology.


AI Safety and Automation Bias

Lauren Kahn, Emelia Probasco, and Ronnie Kinoshita
| November 2024

Automation bias is a critical issue for artificial intelligence deployment. It can cause otherwise knowledgeable users to make crucial and even obvious errors. Organizational, technical, and educational leaders can mitigate these biases through training, design, and processes. This paper explores automation bias and ways to mitigate it through three case studies: Tesla’s autopilot incidents, aviation incidents at Boeing and Airbus, and Army and Navy air defense incidents.



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See our original translation of a 2021 PRC state AI governance committee document on the ethical norms for AI use.

See our original translation of a 2021 PRC think tank white paper about government standards-setting related to AI.

Data Snapshot

AI-Supported COVID-19 Research

Autumn Toney
| October 20, 2021

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. Our first series of Snapshots introduced CSET’s Map of Science and explored the underlying data and analytic utility of this new tool, which enables users to interact with the Map directly.

Data Visualization

AI Education Catalog

Claire Perkins, Diana Gehlhaus, Kayla Goode, Jennifer Melot, Ehrik Aldana, Grace Doerfler, and Gayani Gamage
| October 2021

Created through a joint partnership between CSET and the AI Education Project, the AI Education Catalog aims to raise awareness of the AI-related programs available to students and educators, as well as to help inform AI education and workforce policy.


Mapping the AI Investment Activities of Top Global Defense Companies

Ngor Luong, Rebecca Gelles, and Melissa Flagg
| October 2021

Militaries around the world have often relied on the largest global defense companies to acquire and integrate cutting-edge technologies. This issue brief examines the investment and mergers and acquisition activities in artificial intelligence of the top 50 global defense companies — a key, if limited, approach to accessing AI innovation in the commercial sector — and assesses investment trends of their corporate venture capital subsidiaries and offers a geographic breakdown of defense companies and their AI target companies.


U.S. AI Workforce: Policy Recommendations

Diana Gehlhaus, Luke Koslosky, Kayla Goode, and Claire Perkins
| October 2021

This policy brief addresses the need for a clearly defined artificial intelligence education and workforce policy by providing recommendations designed to grow, sustain, and diversify the U.S. AI workforce. The authors employ a comprehensive definition of the AI workforce—technical and nontechnical occupations—and provide data-driven policy goals. Their recommendations are designed to leverage opportunities within the U.S. education and training system while mitigating its challenges, and prioritize equity in access and opportunity to AI education and AI careers.

Data Visualization

CSET Map of Science

Jennifer Melot, Ilya Rahkovsky, Brian Love, Neha Singh, Katherine Quinn, Zachary Arnold, and Dewey Murdick
| December 2023

The Emerging Technology Observatory’s Map of Science collects and organizes the world’s research literature, revealing key trends, hotspots, and concepts in global science and technology.

Data Snapshot

Map of Science Updates and User Interface Launch: What’s New?

Autumn Toney
| October 6, 2021

CSET is excited to present the Map of Science user interface. Using a merged corpus of more than 260 million scientific documents, CSET clustered research based on citation links and mapped the clusters spatially using those linkages. The resulting Map provides a visual representation of the landscape of science, with detailed information on more than 123,000 clusters of research including 130 million scientific papers.

See our original translation of a 2021 PRC State Council updated plan to improve the "scientific literacy" of China's population.


The DOD’s Hidden Artificial Intelligence Workforce

Diana Gehlhaus, Ron Hodge, Luke Koslosky, Kayla Goode, and Jonathan Rotner
| September 2021

This policy brief, authored in collaboration with the MITRE Corporation, provides a new perspective on the U.S. Department of Defense’s struggle to recruit and retain artificial intelligence talent. The authors find that the DOD already has a cadre of AI and related experts, but that this talent remains hidden. Better leveraging this talent could go a long way in meeting the DOD’s AI objectives. The authors argue that this can be done through policies that more effectively identify AI talent and assignment opportunities, processes that incentivize experimentation and changes in career paths, and investing in the necessary technological infrastructure.