
CSET produces evidence-driven analysis in a variety of forms, from informative graphics and translations to expert testimony and published reports. Our key areas of inquiry are the foundations of artificial intelligence — such as talent, data and computational power — as well as how AI can be used in cybersecurity and other national security settings. We also do research on the policy tools that can be used to shape AI’s development and use, and on biotechnology.


AI Safety and Automation Bias

Lauren Kahn, Emelia Probasco, and Ronnie Kinoshita
| November 2024

Automation bias is a critical issue for artificial intelligence deployment. It can cause otherwise knowledgeable users to make crucial and even obvious errors. Organizational, technical, and educational leaders can mitigate these biases through training, design, and processes. This paper explores automation bias and ways to mitigate it through three case studies: Tesla’s autopilot incidents, aviation incidents at Boeing and Airbus, and Army and Navy air defense incidents.



Filter publications

China’s AI Workforce

Diana Gehlhaus, Joanne Boisson, Sara Abdulla, Jacob Feldgoise, Luke Koslosky, and Dahlia Peterson
| November 2022

U.S. policies on artificial intelligence education and the AI workforce must grow, cultivate, attract, and retain the world’s best and brightest. Given China’s role as a producer of AI talent, understanding its AI workforce could provide important insight. This report provides an analysis of the AI workforce demand in China using a novel dataset of 6.8 million job postings. It then outlines potential implications along with future reports in this series.

Read our original translation of a report, published by a think tank affiliated with China’s Nankai University, that compares the strength of the AI industry in various Chinese provinces, cities, and urban agglomerations across an elaborately weighted collection of different metrics.

Formal Response

Comment to the Office of the National Cyber Director on Cyber Workforce, Training, and Education

Ali Crawford and Jessica Ji
| November 1, 2022

CSET's Ali Crawford and Jessica Ji submitted this comment to the Office of the National Cyber Director in response to a request for information on a national strategy for a cyber workforce, training, and education.


Banned in D.C.

Jack Corrigan, Sergio Fontanez, and Michael Kratsios
| October 2022

U.S. federal policymakers have recently gained the authority to block government agencies and private organizations from using foreign technologies that pose national security risks. But securing U.S. networks will require them to wield those powers effectively and better coordinate supply chain security efforts across all levels of government. The authors provide an overview of federal- and state-level procurement bans and recommend ways to build stronger defense against foreign technology threats.

Data Snapshot

Tech Proliferation: How GitHub Facilitates Academic Breakout

Christian Schoeberl
| October 26, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This new series of Snapshots explores CSET’s GitHub repository dataset, a curated collection of repositories that are AI-related and linked to research publications. Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot exploring this unique dataset and analyzing the role of GitHub’s community in technology research and development.

Read our original translation of the 13th Five-Year Plan — covering the years 2016-2020 — of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China's state-run complex of laboratories and research institutions.

Data Visualization

ETO Supply Chain Explorer

Zachary Arnold, John VerWey, Jennifer Melot, and Neha Singh
| October 16, 2022

ETO's Supply Chain Explorer is designed to quickly orient non-experts to the essential inputs, players, and relationships involved in producing advanced computer chips. Use the Explorer to learn how these chips are made, who makes them, and the tools, materials, and processes involved in the supply chain.

CSET's Catherine Aiken testified before the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee on measuring progress in U.S. AI research and development.

Data Snapshot

Popularity != Public Implementation: How Organizations Leverage Open Source Code

Christian Schoeberl
| October 12, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This new series of Snapshots explores CSET’s GitHub repository dataset, a curated collection of repositories that are AI-related and linked to research publications. Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot exploring this unique dataset and analyzing the role of GitHub’s community in technology research and development.


Translation Snapshot: Tech-Related Chinese National Strategies

Ben Murphy
| October 11, 2022

Translation Snapshots are short posts that highlight related translations produced by CSET’s in-house translation team. Each snapshot identifies relevant translations, provides short summaries, and links to full translations. Check back regularly for additional Translation Snapshots highlighting our work.