Tag Archive: Research

A Plea: The Case for Digital Environmentalism

Andrew Burt Daniel E. Geer, Jr.
| November 2022

Digital technology, the defining innovation of the last half century, has deep and unaddressed insecurities at its core. This paper, authored by two prominent technologists and strategic thinkers, argues that a new form of “digital environmentalism”—marked by a re-evaluation of our relationship to technology, growth, and innovation—is the only way to fix such insecurities, and to bring meaningful change to the digital world.

How Scientists Can Inform Policy Decisions

| November 8, 2022

In an opinion piece for Nature, CSET's Director Dewey Murdick draws from his own experiences and expertise to share how scientists and other technical experts can inform valuable policy decisions and communicate with policymakers.

A CSET report found that by 2025, Chinese STEM Ph.D. graduates would outnumber their U.S. counterparts more than 3 to 1, if international students are excluded from the U.S. count.

Counting AI Research

Daniel Chou
| July 2022

Tracking the output of a country’s researchers can inform assessments of its innovativeness or assist in evaluating the impact of certain funding initiatives. However, measuring research output is not as straightforward as it may seem. Using a detailed analysis that includes Chinese-language research publications, this data brief reveals that China's lead in artificial intelligence research output is greater than many English-language sources suggest.

CSET's Daniel Chou provides an update on previous CSET research exploring China's security forces' AI research portfolio.

Map of China’s State Key Laboratory System

Emily S. Weinstein Daniel Chou Channing Lee Ryan Fedasiuk Anna Puglisi

China’s State Key Laboratory system drives the country’s innovation in science and technology. A key part of China’s aim to reduce its dependence on foreign technology, these labs conduct cutting-edge basic and applied research, attract and train domestic and foreign talent, and conduct academic exchanges with foreign counterparts. These laboratories are spread across almost all Chinese provinces except Tibet, with the majority clustered in large coastal cities.

China’s State Key Laboratory System

Emily S. Weinstein Channing Lee Ryan Fedasiuk Anna Puglisi
| June 2022

China’s State Key Laboratory system drives innovation in science and technology. These labs conduct cutting-edge basic and applied research, attract and train domestic and foreign talent, and conduct academic exchanges with foreign counterparts. This report assesses trends in the research priorities, management structures, and talent recruitment efforts of nearly five hundred Chinese State Key Labs. The accompanying data visualization maps their geographical locations and host institutions.

Protecting American Investments in AI

War on the Rocks
| June 1, 2022

A CSET report estimated that China spent $1.6 billion to $5.4 billion on civilian AI research and development.

China’s Industrial Clusters

Anna Puglisi Daniel Chou
| June 2022

China is banking on applying AI to biotechnology research in order to transform itself into a “biotech superpower.” In pursuit of that goal, it has emphasized bringing together different aspects of the development cycle to foster multidisciplinary research. This data brief examines the emerging trend of co-location of AI and biotechnology researchers and explores the potential impact it will have on this growing field.

Quad AI

Husanjot Chahal Ngor Luong Sara Abdulla Margarita Konaev
| May 2022

Through the Quad forum, the United States, Australia, Japan and India have committed to pursuing an open, accessible and secure technology ecosystem and offering a democratic alternative to China’s techno-authoritarian model. This report assesses artificial intelligence collaboration across the Quad and finds that while Australia, Japan and India each have close AI-related research and investment ties to both the United States and China, they collaborate far less with one another.