Tag Archive: China

CSET Research Fellow Saif M. Khan testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for its hearing, "Advancing Effective U.S. Policy for Strategic Competition with China in the Twenty-First Century." Khan spoke to the importance of U.S. leadership in semiconductor and artificial intelligence technology.

CSET Research Analyst Dahlia Peterson discusses China's use of technological tools to enable its widespread surveillance system.

CSET Research Analyst Dakota Cary discusses the differences in work culture between cybersecurity workers in China and the United States.

Congress preps for long campaign against Chinese chips

National Journal
| March 11, 2021

Research Analyst Will Hunt discusses the flurry of activity in Congress and elsewhere to address lagging U.S. semiconductor manufacturing capacity.

CSET's issue brief "Understanding Chinese Government Guidance Funds" is featured as one of the Essential Eight things to know in the Sinocism China Newsletter.

Chinese Government Guidance Funds

Ngor Luong, Zachary Arnold, and Ben Murphy
| March 2021

The Chinese government is pouring money into public-private investment funds, known as guidance funds, to advance China’s strategic and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence. These funds are mobilizing massive amounts of capital from public and private sources—prompting both concern and skepticism among outside observers. This overview presents essential findings from our full-length report on these funds, analyzing the guidance fund model, its intended benefits and weaknesses, and its long-term prospects for success.

Understanding Chinese Government Guidance Funds

Ngor Luong, Zachary Arnold, and Ben Murphy
| March 2021

China’s government is using public-private investment funds, known as guidance funds, to deploy massive amounts of capital in support of strategic and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence. Drawing exclusively on Chinese-language sources, this report explores how guidance funds raise and deploy capital, manage their investment, and interact with public and private actors. The guidance fund model is no silver bullet, but it has many advantages over traditional industrial policy mechanisms.

Academics, AI, and APTs

Dakota Cary
| March 2021

Six Chinese universities have relationships with Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) hacking teams. Their activities range from recruitment to running cyber operations. These partnerships, themselves a case study in military-civil fusion, allow state-sponsored hackers to quickly move research from the lab to the field. This report examines these universities’ relationships with known APTs and analyzes the schools’ AI/ML research that may translate to future operational capabilities.

In a review of the recommendations by a key government commission on ways to bolster the U.S. tech industry, this Forbes column points to a study by CSET's Remco Zwetsloot that delves into ways to attract and retain overseas tech talent.

CSET Research Analyst Dahlia Peterson discusses China’s latest surveillance program, Sharp Eyes, as well as technical limitations to accurately reporting censorship and physical surveillance.