Tag Archive: China

Preserving the Chokepoints

Andre Barbe Will Hunt
| May 2022

Offshoring the production of semiconductor manufacturing equipment would remove an important source of leverage over China and make the United States more dependent on other countries for some of the most important inputs to semiconductor manufacturing. This brief explores the factors driving U.S. SME firms to offshore production and what can be done to slow or reverse offshoring.

In an opinion piece for War of the Rocks, CSET's Alex Stephenson and Ryan Fedasiuk give a detailed analysis into the use of AI in a U.S.-Chinese conflict.

According to the Brookings Institution, CSET's report "Harnessed Lightning" gives insight into the China's AI funding.

How China’s united front system works overseas

The Strategist
| April 13, 2022

In an opinion piece for The Strategist, Ryan Fedasiuk gives an overview if China's united front system and its foreign facing role.

The China Initiative is Over — Now What?

The Wire China
| April 3, 2022

In an interview with The Wire China, Research Fellow Emily Weinstein discusses the future of research security and collaboration with China with the end of the China Initiative.

To Compete With China, America Must Compete With Itself

The National Interest
| March 26, 2022

In an opinion piece for The National Interest, Research Analysts Dakota Cary and Ali Crawford make the case for the use of U.S. federal prize competitions to spur innovation to compete with China.

Will China Set Global Tech Standards?

China File
| March 22, 2022

Director of Strategy Helen Toner explored China's tech standards in China File.

A Competitive Era for China’s Universities

Ryan Fedasiuk Alan Omar Loera Martinez Anna Puglisi
| March 2022

This brief illuminates the scale of Chinese government funding for higher education, science, and technology by exploring budget and expense reports for key government organizations and 34 of China’s most elite “Double First Class” universities. Chinese political leaders view elite universities as key components of the country’s military modernization, economic growth, and soft power; a situation that presents security risks for international partners.

How China built a one-of-a-kind cyber-espionage behemoth to last

MIT Technology Review
| February 28, 2022

Dakota Cary's testimony before the U.S.-China Commission caught the attention of MIT Technology Review for his findings and recommendations on countering China's hacking capabilities.

The US government is ending the China Initiative. Now what?

MIT Technology Review
| February 23, 2022

Research Analyst Emily Weinstein discusses the end of the U.S. Department of Justice's China Initiative and its after-effects for academia.