Category Archive: Uncategorized

Citing a CSET report on AI talent, this articles makes the case that blocking Chinese talent will ultimately hinder American competitiveness.  Read More

In order to maintain the democratic advantage in chip production, the United States must work with allies and partners to limit China's access to advanced semiconductor manufacturing. This op-ed cites a recent CSET report by Saif M. Khan and Carrick Flynn on state-of-the-art semiconductor fabs. Read More

According to a recent CSET report by Saif M. Khan, if the United States, Japan, and the Netherlands "deny access to this specialized equipment, China would find it nearly impossible to develop or maintain advanced chip factories for the foreseeable future.” Read More

"Technology is fundamental to cyber operations on offense and defense," said CSET's Ben Buchanan on the question of AI and cybersecurity. "The reason why AI is important is that there’s just so much data that you need a machine to be able to do the first pass through the data [during offensive and defensive operations]." Read More

The FT’s Tech Scroll Asia covers a report by CSET’s Saif Khan and Carrick Flynn detailing China’s dependence on the United States for specialized AI chip manufacturing equipment. Read More

In the battlefield, unmanned systems can “go wrong because the technical challenges are significant, especially for ground operations,” warns CSET Research Fellow Rita Konaev. Read More

In this op-ed, former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg cites CSET research by Remco Zwetsloot on China's tech talent and a report by Zach Arnold and Ashwin Acharya on China's AI R&D. Read More

CSET's Helen Toner highlights OpenAI's delayed release of GPT-2 and the increased attention it brought to publication norms in the AI research community in 2019. This piece was featured in In the Shanghai Institute for Science of Science's "AI Governance in 2019" report. Read More

Is Russia’s new facial recognition system as effective as promised? CSET’s Rita Konaev cautions that applying the technology in real-world conditions and on a broad scale could lead to a drop in accuracy. Read More

CSET's Saif M. Khan and Remco Zwetsloot joined the Brookings Cafeteria podcast to weigh in on the tech competition between the United States and China. Read More