Category Archive: Uncategorized

Axios Future previewed CSET's Issue Brief, "Future Indices," on using historical data and the wisdom of the crowd to predict future trends. Read More

Psychology Today published an article on Microsoft's new Lobe application. The article featured original research from several CSET experts, including Research Fellow Zachary Arnold, Data Analyst Ilya Rahkovsky and Research Analyst Tina Huang. Read More

From U.S.-China tech battles to building trust between soldiers and their artificial intelligence tools, CSET experts continue to weigh in on the most compelling questions in emerging technology. Read More

CSET Research Fellow Margarita Konaev assessed the importance of building trust in AI systems for the DOD's successful use of AI in the battlefield. See FedScoop's interview with her and readout of her research below. Read More

CSET Senior Fellow Melissa Flagg spoke with National Journal about the White House's National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies. Releasing a high-level document is wise, said Dr. Flagg, but doing so just before an election may lessen its effect. Read More

CSET's Remco Zwetsloot, along with Jacob Feldgoise, provided a detailed analysis of Chinese students in the United States by field of study and degree level. Axios highlighted the authors' work in the article below. Read More

"Keeping Top AI Talent in the United States" by CSET's Remco Zwetsloot, James Dunham, Zachary Arnold and Tina Huang was cited in VentureBeat. Read the mention of CSET's research below. Read More

CSET hosted Michèle Flournoy and other national security experts for a discussion on adapting DOD's test, evaluation, validation and verification infrastructure for AI systems. See FedScoop's readout of the event below. Read More

CSET hosted WestExec Advisors' Michèle Flournoy and Gabrielle Chefitz, together with Avril Haines, for a discussion of their new report outlining how the Department of Defense can adapt its test, evaluation, validation and verification (TEVV) infrastructure for artificial intelligence. The authors were joined by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory's Ashley Llorens, the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center's Dr. Jane Pinelis, and moderator Richard Danzig. Read More

An article on U.S. tech strangulation of China quoted CSET Senior Fellow Tarun Chhabra on possible ‘chokepoint’ technologies the U.S. could use with its allies against China; it also quoted CSET fellow Zachary Arnold on the potential of U.S. visa restrictions driving scientific talent to China. Read More