Category Archive: Uncategorized

CSET Research Analyst Ryan Fedasiuk discusses President Xi Jinping's use of the internet to serve the PRC. Read More

“Whatever we can do in our technology strategy to maintain that leverage now will have huge geopolitical and strategic relevance in the years ahead,” warns CSET Fellow Saif M. Khan before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ahead of the U.S.-China meetings. Read More

CSET Research Fellow Saif M. Khan testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to discuss emerging technology and strategic competition between the United States and China. Read More

CSET Research Analyst Dahlia Peterson discusses China's use of technological tools to enable its widespread surveillance system. Read More

CSET Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn's work on machine learning vulnerabilities is cited in this article on the Department of Defense's efforts to adopt artificial intelligence technologies for a host of functions. Read More

FedScoop highlighted CSET's "U.S. Military Investments in Autonomy and AI" in a report on U.S. efforts to improve human operator trust in autonomous tools. Read More

CSET Research Analyst Dakota Cary discusses the differences in work culture between cybersecurity workers in China and the United States. Read More

Research Analyst Will Hunt discusses the flurry of activity in Congress and elsewhere to address lagging U.S. semiconductor manufacturing capacity. Read More

MeriTalk highlights CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny's new roles at the White House working on technology and national security policy. Read More

CSET's issue brief "Understanding Chinese Government Guidance Funds" is featured as one of the Essential Eight things to know in the Sinocism China Newsletter. Read More