
Immigration reform seen as key to U.S. AI leadership

| September 15, 2023

In a Marketplace radio segment, CSET's Zach Arnold shared his insights on the creation of an AI Visa specifically designed for AI talent.

Translation Snapshots are short posts that highlight related translations produced by CSET’s in-house translation team. Each snapshot identifies relevant translations, provides short summaries, and links to the full translations. Check back regularly for additional Translation Snapshots highlighting our work.

Universities can build more inclusive computer science programs by addressing the reasons that students may be deterred from pursuing the field. This blog post explores some of those reasons, features of CS education that cause them, and provides recommendations on how to design learning experiences that are safer and more exploratory for everyone.

On September 13, CSET experts discussed ways the U.S. can promote innovation to maintain its competitive advantage in emerging technologies.

The much-anticipated National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy (NCWES) provides a comprehensive set of strategic objectives for training and producing more cyber talent by prioritizing and encouraging the development of more localized cyber ecosystems that serve the needs of a variety of communities rather than trying to prescribe a blanket policy. This is a much-needed and reinvigorated approach that understands the unavoidable inequities in both cyber education and workforce development, but provides strategies for mitigating them. In this blog post, we highlight key elements that could be easily overlooked.

The Race for U.S. Technical Talent

Diana Gehlhaus James Ryseff Jack Corrigan
| August 2023

Technical talent is vital to innovation and economic growth, and attracting these highly mobile workers is critical to staying on the cutting-edge of the technological frontier. Conventional wisdom holds that the defense community generally struggles to access this talent pool. This policy brief uses LinkedIn data to track the movement of tech workers between industries and metro areas, with a particular focus on the U.S. Department of Defense, the defense industrial base, and the so-called “Big Tech” companies.

CSET submitted the following comment in response to a Request for Information (RFI) from the National Science Foundation (NSF) about the development of the newly established Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP) Directorate, in accordance with the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022.

Building the Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline

Luke Koslosky Ali Crawford Sara Abdulla
| June 2023

Creating adequate talent pipelines for the cybersecurity workforce is an ongoing priority for the federal government. Understanding the effectiveness of current education initiatives will help policymakers make informed decisions. This report analyzes the National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber (NCAE-C), a consortium of institutions designated as centers of excellence by the National Security Agency. It aims to determine how NCAE-C designated institutions fare compared to other schools in graduating students with cyber-related degrees and credentials.

The Washington Post cited a CSET report that delves into the issue of talent retention in artificial intelligence and its effects on the United States' competitiveness. The report was referenced in an article discussing how countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada are successfully attracting highly skilled immigrants, including international students educated in the United States.

A report by CSET's Will Hunt was referenced in an article published by Tech Report. The article delves into Nvidia's recent announcement regarding the reintroduction of their GPUs into chip factories and their role in accelerating the computational lithography process.