
Examining Patent Data in PARAT  

Sara Abdulla
| March 30, 2022

Data Snapshots are informative descriptions and quick analyses that dig into CSET’s unique data resources. This is the fourth in a series of Snapshots exploring CSET’s Private-sector AI-Related Activity Tracker (PARAT). Check in every two weeks to see our newest Snapshot, and explore PARAT, which collects data related to companies’ AI research and development to inform analysis of the global AI sector.

CSET Research Analyst Ryan Fedasiuk joins Lieutenant General (retired) Jack Shanahan to discuss Chinese military progress in AI and its implications for the United States.

CSET's Ngor Luong spoke the Federal News Network's "Federal Drive with Tom Temin" to discuss defense companies' investment in AI.

A new CSET report "Headline or Trend Line? Evaluating Chinese-Russian Collaboration in AI" uses data-backed analysis to address the Sino-Russian partnership and its effect on U.S. strategic interests.

House Hearing Airs Cases For and Against Semiconductor Funding Surge

American Institute of Physics
| August 10, 2021

CSET's Will Hunt advocates for the CHIPS Act as part of his testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to strengthen the U.S.' semiconductor industry.

Pull US AI Research Out of China

Defense One
| August 10, 2021

CSET research shows that 10 percent of the AI labs for Facebook, Google, IBM and Microsoft are based in China.

According to a CSET study Microsoft, Google, Amazon, IBM, Facebook and Apple are the six tech companies that spend the most on AI R&D.

A CSET study on China's use of guidance funds shows that Chinese governments at all levels have established 1,741 industrial guidance funds—in effect, state-sponsored private equity—with plans to deploy $1.6 trillion.

National Cybersecurity Center Map

Dakota Cary Jennifer Melot
| July 2021

China wants to be a “cyber powerhouse” (网络强国). At the heart of this mission is the sprawling 40 km2 campus of the National Cybersecurity Center. Formally called the National Cybersecurity Talent and Innovation Base (国家网络安全人才与创新基地), the NCC is being built in Wuhan. The campus, which China began constructing in 2017 and is still building, includes seven centers for research, talent cultivation, and entrepreneurship; two government-focused laboratories; and a National Cybersecurity School.

PARAT – Tracking the Activity of AI Companies

Rebecca Gelles Zachary Arnold Ngor Luong Jennifer Melot
| June 2021

CSET’s Private-sector AI-Related Activity Tracker (PARAT) collects data related to companies’ AI research and development to inform analysis of the global AI sector. The global AI market is already expanding rapidly and is likely to continue growing in the coming years. Identifying “AI companies” helps illustrate the size and health of the AI industry in which they participate as well as the most sought-after skills and experience in the AI workforce.