
CSET Senior Fellow Melissa Flagg spoke with National Journal about the White House's National Strategy for Critical and Emerging Technologies. Releasing a high-level document is wise, said Dr. Flagg, but doing so just before an election may lessen its effect.

See our original translation of a speech that Xi delivered to a meeting of academics in 2020 that he convened to solicit input for China’s upcoming 14th Five-Year Plan.

How the next White House should handle AI

| September 23, 2020

Axios Future highlighted a series of one-pagers issued by CSET providing AI policy recommendations for the next presidential administration to consider and implement. The full piece from Axios can be found below.

Bolstering U.S. Research Security

Melissa Flagg Zachary Arnold
| September 2020

Establishing a new public-private institution to improve American research security

In this brief, CSET Research Analyst Ryan Fedasiuk analyzes how China gathers funding to influence overseas Chinese communities.

CSET Founding Director Jason Matheny testified before the House Budget Committee on preparing for the potential effects of artificial intelligence on the U.S. economy. Read about VentureBeat's coverage of the hearing below.

See our original translation of the PRC Ministry of Commerce technology export restrictions that would likely complicate the proposed sale of short video app TikTok to a U.S. buyer.

See our original translation of the 2019 budget for the PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

See our original translation excerpt from a Chinese government think tank report on China's use of digital health technology to fight COVID-19.

See our original translation of the 2019 budget of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST).