
China Threat Raises Stakes for Navy’s Cyber Offense Evolution

Bloomberg Government
| February 15, 2023

Bloomberg Government published an article featuring Margarita Konaev, the Deputy Director of Analysis at CSET. Konaev was quoted discussing the U.S. defense shift towards the Asia-Pacific region and the public perception surrounding it.

ChatGPT grabs headlines but Chinese competitor to face censorship

South China Morning Post
| February 20, 2023

The South China Morning Post quoted Dahlia Peterson and Hanna Dohmen, both research analysts at CSET, in an article about China's struggles in developing an equivalent of ChatGPT.

Newsweek published an article that cited a report by CSET's Jack Corrigan, Emily S. Weinstein, Dahlia Peterson, and Ryan Fedasiuk, and CSET alumni Remco Zwetsloot and Diana Gehlhaus. The report examines data on STEM PhD graduation rates and predicts their growth in the next five years, during which China is expected to increase its lead over the United States.

A report by CSET’s Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong, was cited in an article published by Roll Call. The report identifies the main U.S. investors active in the Chinese artificial intelligence market and the set of AI companies in China that have benefitted from U.S. capital.

China’s Tech Money Is Now Radioactive

Foreign Policy
| February 2, 2023

A report by CSET's Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong, was cited in an article published by Foreign Policy. This report focuses on the American investors who are primarily involved in investing in Chinese artificial intelligence companies.

Reuters cited a report by Emily S. Weinstein and Ngor Luong from CSET. The report focuses on identifying the primary American investors involved in the Chinese artificial intelligence market and highlights the list of AI companies in China that have received investments from the United States.

In an interview with the Australian network ABC TV News, Research Analyst Hanna Dohmen explained the significance of China's new regulations on deepfakes.

Rise of Open-Source Intelligence Tests U.S. Spies

Wall Street Journal
| December 11, 2022

According to research by CSET's William Hannas, China puts a premium on OSINT and has an estimated 100,000 analysts tasked with scouring scientific and technical developments globally, mostly in the United States.

Inside the transatlantic tensions over chips

National Journal
| December 7, 2022

U.S. export controls that restrict access to semiconductor tools mean China will have a hard time building new chip fabs according to CSET's Jacob Feldgoise.