
CSET partnered with the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence to discuss the findings and recommendations of the commissions final report, released in early March.

CSET Research Fellow Margarita Konaev discusses the challenges of building trust within human-machine relationships in military systems.

CSET experts Zachary Arnold and Emily Weinstein testified before the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission to discuss Chinese capital markets and offer recommendations to protect U.S. investment.

CSET Research Analyst Ryan Fedasiuk discusses President Xi Jinping's use of the internet to serve the PRC.

“Whatever we can do in our technology strategy to maintain that leverage now will have huge geopolitical and strategic relevance in the years ahead,” warns CSET Fellow Saif M. Khan before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ahead of the U.S.-China meetings.

Pentagon, Rivals to Play ‘Cat-and-Mouse Game’ with AI

National Defense Magazine
| March 12, 2021

CSET Senior Fellow Andrew Lohn's work on machine learning vulnerabilities is cited in this article on the Department of Defense's efforts to adopt artificial intelligence technologies for a host of functions.

FedScoop highlighted CSET's "U.S. Military Investments in Autonomy and AI" in a report on U.S. efforts to improve human operator trust in autonomous tools.

Reconsidering the ‘China Initiative’

Inside Higher Ed
| March 2, 2021

CSET Senior Fellow Anna Puglisi weighs in on the China Initiative and whether the Chinese government is exploiting its talent programs to target U.S. innovation.

CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein discusses difficulties in identifying Chinese entities that are defense-affiliated amidst growing concerns over American university research being relayed to the Chinese military.

Beyond the China Initiative

| February 22, 2021

To understand China's technology transfer efforts, CSET Research Analyst Emily Weinstein suggests using China's open-source documentation as a resource.