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Plus: Palantir Dives into Data to Support CJADC2

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Plus: IARPA wants to build AI editors for human analysts, the State Department’s emerging tech office, and China’s new generative AI regulations

Plus: Emerging tech in the NDAA, the DOD awards its cloud contract, and the U.S.-EU Trade and Tech Council meets for the third time

Plus: A shakeup in the global semiconductor workforce is underway, and state AGs push the FTC to protect consumer data

Plus: What tech layoffs mean for AI, TSMC considers additional $12 billion Arizona expansion, and AMD’s server CPUs could give Intel a run for its money

Plus: The DOD publishes its National Defense Strategy (an AI strategy update could be next), Project Convergence 2022 is underway, and interesting approaches to sourcing AI training data

Plus: Chip stocks sink in the face of export controls and falling demand, Biden issues an order on EU-U.S. data flows, and autonomy and AI developments at NATO

Plus: The EU’s plan for AI liability lawsuits, new U.S. tech restrictions on China could be on the way, and Micron’s $20B+ U.S. investment

Plus: What Nvidia’s new GPUs mean for AI, the NIH announces AI grants, and NIST partners with Google to make research chips

Plus: A new at-home AI tool generates art (and concerns), and the Commerce Department releases its plan to spend $50B on U.S. chips

Plus: Russia announces two new AI offices, NIST’s new draft AI safety framework, and the White House’s chief AI advisor steps down