
In the news section, our experts take center stage in shaping discussions on technology and policy. Discover articles featuring insights from our experts or citing our research. CSET’s insights and research are pivotal in shaping key conversations within the evolving landscape of emerging technology and policy.

CSET joins 200 of the nation’s leading AI stakeholders as a member of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s AI Safety Institute Consortium.


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In an article published by Axios that discusses how AI-driven "biosurveillance" could be instrumental in detecting future pandemics or biological attacks, CSET's Steph Batalis provided her expert insights.

In an article published by WIRED exploring China's advancement in BCI technology, CSET's William Hannas offered his expert insight.

In an article by the Associated Press that discusses the increasing concern among U.S. lawmakers regarding the nation's competitive stance against China in the biotechnology sector, CSET's Anna Puglisi provided her expert insights.

Can Chatbots Help You Build a Bioweapon?

Foreign Policy
| November 5, 2023

In an op-ed published in Foreign Policy, CSET’s Steph Batalis discusses the potential misuse of artificial intelligence chatbots in providing instructions for the construction of biological weapons.

Gain-of-Function Risk Is Not One-Size-Fits-All

Think Global Health
| September 29, 2023

In their op-ed featured in Think Global Health, CSET's Steph Batalis and Caroline Schuerger provide expert analysis on the ongoing debate in the United States regarding gain-of-function (GOF) research.

In a Washington Post article that delves into China's extensive efforts to collect genetic data from around the world, using innovative technology, CSET's Anna Puglisi provided her expert insights.

CSET's Anna Puglisi was featured in a Nature article along with a report she co-authored. The article discusses the challenges faced by US policymakers in regulating research involving potentially harmful pathogens. The focal point of the discussion is the CSET report titled “Understanding the Global Gain-of-Function Research Landscape.”

CSET's Anna Puglisi was cited in an article by CNN that delves into China's efforts to become a global leader in the biosciences by investing billions of dollars and collecting vast amounts of genetic data from its 1.4 billion population.

CSET's Anna Puglisi and Andrew Imbrie discuss actions democracies can take to shape the development of biotechnology.